Chapter 4: Sick & Tired

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"I beg your pardon?" You needed to tread cautiously. Like yeah, you were thinking about Jimin, but not in the way she was strongly hinting at. Nope, absolutely not like that at all.

"Oh please, you wouldn't be the first server drooling over him and you won't be the last." Ah, exactly what you thought. You shook your head adamantly to try to convince her that you were not interested in Jimin that way.

"I am not drooling over him." You reiterated to really drive the point home. You glanced back and Jimin was at the host station, flustering the poor hostess and making her a blushing mess. "Ah, I remember being that young and naive."

You grabbed the beers that the bartender put in front of you and headed back to your table. You placed the drinks in front of the men and chatted with them as you took their orders.

You punched in their orders and observed Jimin as he greeted the table he just got sat. You stood by the POS system in hopes of getting to talk to Jimin. He walked past you and didn't even spare you a glance, and you hated that you felt offended. Like, excuse you but you had trained him and now he's acting like he's better than you?

"It's okay Y/n. He might be busy. Try not to jump to conclusions." You were trying very hard (thank you very much) to be understanding that he doesn't owe you anything, especially since you were (probably) rude to him on more than one occasion.

You walked back to your table and checked in with how the drinks were going down for them (especially because you recommended it to them and all).

"Oh, it's good thanks." One of the men started saying. "But I do have to say, it would taste better if you were the one feeding it to me."

You were absolutely floored. First of all: ew, and second of all: EW. But of course, you couldn't say that, because you're a professional and you didn't let your own personal issues (like mild discomfort at out of line comments by your guests) affect you. So, you grinned and beared it - literally.

You laughed off the joke (you knew it was a joke, and what else were you supposed to do?) and chatted mindlessly while you got another table.

You mindlessly walked around the restaurant, checking on your tables when you saw the hosts starting to put tables together for your reservation. You were so excited to finally get a big table and hopefully earn some good money from them.

The expo (someone who checks to make sure the orders are correct from the kitchen before sending it out to the tables) needed someone to run food, so you helped her out and when you came back, you were confused to see that the tables were pushed together but not in your section (like it was supposed to be) but in Jimin's section instead.

"Take a deep breath, it's fine. Maybe it's a misunderstanding." You had to admit, you weren't a hateful person at all, but Jimin was starting to turn you into one. But it was fine, everything was fine, you would just go to the host and ask what had happened, and everything would be fine.

You walked up to the host station after they had set up the table for the reservation and glanced at the seating chart. Low and behold, there was the reservation (that used to be in your section) moved to Jimin's section. You were highly confused because Jimin was still relatively new, and normally only veteran servers got bigger reservations.

"Hey, didn't that table used to be in my section?" You casually dropped to the hostess in an attempt of being sneaky.

"Yeah, it was but Jimin is such a sweetheart!" She exclaimed and you were confused. What did being a sweetheart have to do with taking a table away from you?

"Oh?" She was smiling so hard and she was blushing, and you were cringing.

"Yeah, he had said that because you are just getting better from being sick, he didn't want you to overwork yourself! How nice is that?"

Well, it seemed nice and all but it's not like you were in the hospital or anything. Like, you just had a cold so you doubted taking a big table would overwork you or anything. You were still suspicious about his true intentions because this wasn't your first rodeo. You knew how to handle a reservation.

You didn't have a chance to confront him until the host sat his reservation and he got their drinks. While he was waiting by the bar well, you walked over (under the guise of getting drinks for your table) but really you just wanted to ask him.

"Hey, I see my reservation got transferred to you." You said in the least accusing tone you could muster.

"Yeah, it did. Is that a problem?" His tone wasn't how it was when you were training him. Before when he spoke to you, his tone was polite, and friendly. Now, his tone just screamed cocky and arrogant. Maybe you'd been right about him all along.

"Well Jimin, I have to say. It's nice that you are concerned about me overworking myself, but it was just a cold. I'm not that sick." You were still being polite to him (you found it got you better results) but your resolve was fading and quick.

"Actually, it had nothing to do with you being sick." He smirked, and you wanted to punch it off his face.

"What do you mean?" "Deep breaths, just take deep breaths." You thought to yourself.

"Well, it's quite simple sweetheart." That nickname alone made you want to scream in frustration because his tone was oozing with condescending intent. "I just didn't think you could handle it."

A Little Bit Yours • Park JiminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant