Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"Annie Leonhart was the Female Titan. She's the reason that Stohess was destroyed. She's currently alive and in Survey Corps custody." Levi's voice is flat and uninterested, and it cuts Hitch like a knife.

"She... wha-" her amber eyes widened and her hands began to tremble. She looked in between Levi and Mikasa, searching for any sign of a lie.

"She also killed my entire squad. Everyone in that Squad were my friends-"

"No, stop-"

"Petra Ral. Oluo Bozado. Gunther Schultz. Eld Jinn. All four of them were murdered by Annie Leonhart. I found their bodies. I was later told that she sliced Gunther's throat in her human form. He let himself be killed in attempt to aid everyone else in their escape. My second-in-command Eld was bitten in half by her in her Titan form. Petra's spine was broken and she was smashed into a tree. Oluo was killed last, his body completely smashed as a result of Leonhart's attacks."

Hitch looked at Levi wide eyes that brimmed with tears. "No, Annie- She... She'd never-"

Levi lets a sigh escape his lips. Without a word, he reaches into a pocket in his jacket, pulling out a small cloth black bag. He pulls at its gray strings, opening it and reaching inside.

He drops the bag on the floor and holds its contents in his hands. Four patches with the Wings of Freedom insignia rest there, all stained with blood. He points to each of them, saying the name of each soldier they belonged to.

"How do you know whose belongs to who?" Marlo asks, finally speaking up.

"I stared at their bodies for a long time before taking the patches. I know the pattern of the blood that stained each one. Take this one, for example. Extremely bloody and stained. That's Gunther's. The force of the blades sprayed his blood everywhere."

"I-I'm sorry," Marlo says.

"I hand picked all of them myself to be in my squad. Not only were they competent soldiers, but they were also comrades that I trusted with my life."

"I-I-I'm so sorry-"

"Someone I care very dearly about almost died because of Leonhart, too. She was thrown down, sustaining a concussion and some other physical damage, not to mention impairing her judgement as she attacked a Titan, alone, where she was swallowed whole."

Levi's voice was calm, but his eyes blazed with fury at the mention of Annie Leonhart. If he had things his way, that beast would be buried deep below the ground, so if she ever did free herself from that crystal, she'd suffocate before ever reaching the surface.

With a long exhale, he put the patches of his deceased squad back in the bag and back in his pocket. Jean came over soon after, Sasha right behind him.

"Let me help you," Marlo says, voice frantic. "Please. I want to be able to help you."

"Sasha, escort them out."

"I'll take them," Jean says quickly.

Levi narrows his eyes at the soldier, rolling his eyes before looking to Sasha. "Braus, come on."


Nora was waiting for Levi by the front door. Armin had come back for Jean about ten minutes ago, but Mikasa and Levi were no where to be seen.

"Come on, lets get some sleep. You have the really late shift with Corporal tonight."


"But, Nora-"

"Connie, I'm not going to sleep until everyone comes back." With a reassuring smile, she looks to her friend. "Go on ahead, Connie. You have the next shift. Might as well rest up now."

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