Peaceful Solitude Before The Dawn....

Start from the beginning

Trisha kissed Jin. Y/n kissed Jin. Jin's missing love kissed Jin. Trisha kissed her missing love.

Tragedy has always been Y/n's companion. Even when there's no one around, tragedy never left her. It was like a shadow's shadow that even shadowed her; always in the dark.

Y/n started to get up and stare at Jin's beautiful face for the last time before they take him away, again.

As Y/n was about to close her eyes, Jin's lips moved.

"Trisha.....",said a feeble voice.
"Jin?",said Y/n's sore voice.

The rest looked up to see what new miracle their Trisha had made.

"Trisha.... I know you're my Y/n. I knew it from that day...",said Jin, trying to gain more force in his raspy voice.
"What..?!",asked Y/n..
"Yes... Y/n-ah... I knew it was you since I heard you sing our song. I didn't tell you that day but I always suspected you to be and then that day when I heard you and Y/n were probably in the same trafficking case, I was sure. I just needed you to know that. I didn't fall for you out of the blue...",said Jin
"Why would you date me then? Why didn't you try to remind me?!",said
"Cause I was suffering enough tragedy to not understand your situation and your pain. You needed time."
"I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I don't know if I should be happy to know that you still love the Y/n I am even after knowing there are millions of girls dieing for you, or should I be angry at you for not loving the Trisha part of me..."
"Ani... I never said that. I had fallen for you long before you understood your feelings. I had already fallen for Trisha. That very day when you played the flute at the hospital. You liked me but were unsure of your own feelings. I was sure that I had a thing for you but I didn't want to accept that. I thought of Y/n. And when we went out together, discussed about ourselves and lives,I just couldn't bear to wait till you know your parental identity. I confessed because I love you, as Trisha, as Y/n."

Y/n's eyes welled up. She hugged Jin, tight in her embrace, wanting to never let go off. Jin gave a fragile smile as he placed his arm, wrapping around her.

After maybe 5 minutes, Alpine fake coughed.

"Ahem, Ahem...",Alpine made a noise and Aries, Alpine, Taehyung, Jungkook,Jimin started laughing. Basically the younger ones. Polo somehow managed to hide her laugh...

"What was this Jin Hyung?",asked Hoseok with annoyance written over his face.
"I tried to catch Dr. Lee but it backfired... Yoongi is okay?",said Jin
"Yoongi? Shit... Yoongi!",said Hoseok, suddenly becoming restless.
"Calm down Hobi-ah... I'm okay...",said Yoongi, slowly walking inside the room.

He had messed up hair, tired look on his face and a few bruises on his forehead.

"Yoongi hyung, why'd you come here!?",said Namjoon as he helped Yoongi settle on the couch.
"I heard some clamour outside so came to check. Is Jin Hyung okay?"
"I'm better than you...",replied Jin
"That's a relief...! You scared me.
I ha-hate you..",said Yoongi with tears.
"Mianhaeyo Yoongi-ah. Dr.Lee betrayed me. I had to act to catch him. I am unsuccessful yet I know he's a danger to me and that I peted a snake all this while."
"And Trisha..."
"Call me Y/n...",said Y/n whom Yoongi still knew as Trisha.
"I'm Gwan Y/n.."

Jimin has always been the narrator of the group so it was again him, narrating the whole story about how they discovered who Y/n was then Trisha getting her identity back to Jin's news and then the Gunshots part.

Yoongi,Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok listened to him speak, ardently.

Happiness was back to Jin. Love was back to Y/n.

Alpine and Aries practised calling Trisha as Y/n.

The night of pain became their paradise, all staying at Jin's place.

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