Chapter 4 : Kidnapping

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   " What's so funny toddler?" I ask, a slight sassy tone in my voice. My hand automatically goes to my hip as I cock it out slightly and pout in a little baby voice. I've officially decided that's going to be his nickname. I know right, it's perfect. He is really, like a toddler. Well, that's sticking with him forever... When I heard soft mumbling I locked my eyes with his and listened intently.

My eyes turned vicious as I heard him speak so low, it seemed to be carried on the wind. " You won't be saying that when you're in our house...." Wait what, I'm not going anywhere near this mans house. He's crazy, duh!!! That's when I realized what the morphine is for, oh god, he's gonna try to knock me out! For some reason I wasn't exactly as freaked out as I guess I should be. He hasn't had years of military training, and I happen to have just that.If he tries anything, I'll kick his ass.

Suddenly, his eyes glaze over in some way, and it almost looks as If he is having a conversation with someone. Ok, star-wars junkie, lunatic, complete psychopath, and apparently he likes to converse with himself. When his eyes slip on me, they darken for a fraction of a second. I feel the movement before I see it.

   Thump, thump, thump, movement thudding through the ground and vibrating through my feet. Some thing is coming up behind me... After my thoughts, I zone out on the rumbling. It's closer now, the vibrations rattling my nerves more then before. Soon, the booming evens out into an identifiable pattern. Footsteps! I realize finally.

When I spin around, I confirm my thoughts. Three men, all of them strong and tough looking, running up behind me at a steady pace. What the hell, how did this guy contact these other men? He's been standing here with me the whole time! He must have an earpiece in or something.... right? But when I spin around and look at his pierced ears, I see nothing at all. No black piece and no cord, okay now I'm seriously curious. He couldn't have actually planned this all through could he? Dammit, I really think to freaking much. When I was caught up in my thoughts, the men had run closer. Close enough so that I was able to identify their facial features. Two seemed to be twins, shaggy brown hair and green emerald eyes.

    While the other seemed to look the opposite, sporting short blonde hair and what looks like a forever stuck on icy blue glare. What struck me is that they're all incredibly handsome. Okay, what drugs are they taking.... Cause I want some!

No seriously, hit me up with whatever you're stoned on, please? It took a second for me to realize what was happening in my dazed moment. They're attempting to kidnap me! Yeah right, Three years of military training isn't yoga class imbeciles! They seem tough, but when I asses them I'm my mind there are obvious weaknesses for me to pick up on. I should be able to take all four of them, at least I'm 99.9% sure.

   Anger begins seeping it's way through the torn seems of my calmness, and I find myself getting extremely pissed. They're going to regret ever thinking of hurting me. I'm going to make them suffer for their foolishness!

I can't exactly pin point what, but I felt as if something in me had just been triggered. An instinct, no, a primal instinct. I suddenly felt as if they needed to feel more then pain, I felt the need to spill blood. They had dared to disturb my first day off of the army lifestyle, and my first chance to relax.

   It's not right, that they can just waltz in my life and have the audacity to try and fuck it up. No, I won't let them ruin my freedom. I'm tired of looking over my shoulder constantly, I'm tired of letting things injure me. I won't be taken down by a bunch of cocky idiots, I'm a military Sargent for God sakes! With a deep breath, I step forwards.

The three unknown men falter in their steps, seemingly surprised that I didn't turn tail and run away. With a scoff I just cross my arms and give them an icy glare of my own. One that intimidated people in Iraq, and scared at least 100 trainees shitless.

   My icy glare is nothing to joke about, Ive been told by others that it seems as if I'm staring openly at your soul. Yes, I know it's that scary. So scary, that all four men, including the one with the morphine take a shaky step back. As if they had expected anything but my reaction.

    " It's a shame, I was really looking forward to drinking this coffee. I haven't had any in three years after all. " My icy glare works it's wonders, and my cold unforgiving voice mixes in the perfect combination with it. I say , I sound pretty damn scary if I do say so myself.

They all seem to be stunned, but when my words finally register in their minds all of their eyebrows shoot up substantially. " Wha-" One of the shaggy haired twins says, but before he can even finish his word, boiling hot coffee splatters across all four of them. Deep groans and yelps of pain immediately roar from all three men and they all scramble backwards. I can only imagine how much that would hurt, being as it was so hot I couldn't even drink it yet.

   That will definitely leave a scar of some sort. " Now I don't know if you're all mentally stable, to be honest. So if you like, I can do more then boiling hot coffee if the message doesn't get by clear enough. But I'm only gonna say this one time, if you ever think of challenging my strength again, you better pray to whatever weed induced god you've got. Cause next time, I'll use my fists instead, ya got it?" The four grown men were all shaking pathetically in pain, shock, and horror. To dumbfounded to respond to my blatant question. They sat there like total idiots before I officially lost my shit.

" When I ask a question, you respond!" I'm now full on yelling at the top of my lungs, and to be honest I probably look like the Devils daughter but I could care less. Once again, the question seemed to float around in their empty heads for a second before they finally got it.

   " Y-y-yes." They all stutter out pathetically, their voices heavy with an attempt to mask their pain. With the torture and pain I've endured, I know what that sounds like. All of a sudden something snapped, and no it was not my bridge to insanity thank you very much. It was much, much worse. * Que running and screaming* What can possibly be worse then that you ask? I'll tell you what, all of my ribs breaking simultaneously at the same time for no apparent reason.

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