Chapter 4 : Kidnapping

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Gems p.o.v.

I smelled it before I saw it. Morphine. In the military, we were trained to observe things like animals. Taking in scents, sounds, and textures all at the same time. Morphine is a familiar drug, in fact it's commonly used in hospitals for treating pain. But, one of its immediate side effects happens to be dangerous. Drowsiness, or in large doses, fainting. It has a distinct scent, like cleaning alcohol and purel. With my somehow enhanced smell, it almost burns my nose when I inhale it. How did I not notice this earlier?

Oh.... If there's one smell more pungent then morphine, its coffee. Well great, I had literally just been inside an incredibly cramped small caffe. Perfect. Wait, oh hell no, what was this obvious lunatic doing walking around with morphine. And by the pungent scent, quite a lot of it too. Please tell me he's secretly a doctor, and is totally qualified to have morphine on him.... please?

   But my brain is to smart for that wishful thought, and immediately shoots it down. He's not old enough to be a doctor, or any medical student for that matter... Oh crap, out of all the people you meet on your first day back Gem, it just had to be a possible serial
killer. Fabulous...

Can't I get a break for one day? Honestly. All I ask for, is one free day. One, single 24 hour period of Popcorn and Magic Mike. Is that too damn much to ask? With I sigh, I decide not to sugarcoat the situation anymore. " What's with the morphine? " I ask, and I swear, his shapely eyebrows shot straight up to his hairline.

   His jaw drops for a half second, but before I can exploit it he hinges his jaw shut again. His chocolate colored orbs observe me calculatingly, questions darting around in their surface. " How did you know?" He asks sternly, for some reason his voice sounds different. More.... authoritative maybe? It had definitely gone down an octave or two, for a split mili-second I almost considered answering. Yes it was actually that authoritative.

" X-ray vision." I say casually with a small shoulder shrug. When I responded with my answer, he seemed to choke on his own spit as he stares at me in shock. Like he had expected me to get on my knees and bow down to him or something. Oh great, so this guys insane and he also thinks he has the force too!

   Fantastic, a star wars junkie lunatic. Rolling my eyes, I sigh again. This time with more annoyance. Then, something funny happens. He looks at me in total awe, like I had just shed my skin and became a butterfly right in front of him. " Y-you have x ray vision?" He stutters out in shock, his eyes wide like a small child's as he gasps in amazement. This time I can't help it, I burst out laughing. Large yelps and hollers of complete and total disbelief escape my lips and a burning sensation starts in my sides.

Attempting to stop myself from laughing, I clutch my sides in a failed attempt. I clamp my mouth shut to try to stop the laughter, but small whimpers and parts of boisterous laughter escape my almost closed lips. Probably making me sound like a dying squirrel, but I be honest I really didn't care. Oh my god, this guy is way higher then I thought he was.

    H-he actually thought I have x ray vision! How freaking stupid is this guy? All I can say is, way to many x-men marathons dude... When I finally manage to sober myself from my laughter induced high, I'm still chuckling slightly. " Dude, you actually thought that I have x-ray vision? Holy crap man, how old are you, two?" With my own sarcastic remark, I find myself cracking up into hysterics again. By now, tears are freely pouring out of the corners of my eyes. But out of my murky, tear influenced vision I could still see his blank/slightly pissed facial expression.

Wiping the salty tears from my eyes I almost sigh dreamily. Man, it's been a while since I've laughed that hard. If course I laughed with all my military friends, pretty damn hard too. But It's been a while since I've actually had time to take time and laugh that hard. When I look up, I'm confused to see a ghost of a smile tugging his mouth upwards.

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