Chapter 8 : Prisoner

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Deltons p.o.v.

I can't help but stutter in the presence of such a rare beauty. My wolf is ready to break out of my skin, and is finding contentment in purring very loudly inside my head. I can't say that I'm not considering doing the same... All I want to do is wrap her in my arms forever, drink in her scent and hold her close. I feel like I was just drugged by something unnamable, excitement won't stop pumping my heart faster and I can hear the fast paced thudding of my own pulse in my ears.

Her sinfully full, red lips pull back into a snarl and my wolf whimpers and growls at the same time. He is extremely hurt that our mate would react badly towards us, but he is also an alpha and does not appreciate disrespect.

I try my best to reason with the vixen, but all my explanations only succeed in making her anger skyrocket. Before I know it I'm on the ground and loosing consciousness, fast. I manage to choke out one more sentence before I pass out completely. " I'm.....not.....lying...."

Gems p.o.v.

I stood up and ran a hand through my short hair, sighing in displeasure at the body laying unconscious at my feet. I didn't hit his head that hard... Whatever, he should be up soon. The people around us seem to be completely stunned in shock, some of them even standing plainly with their mouths dropped to the floor.

Tilting my head to the side in a studying motion I extend my long leg out and deliver a small but forceful nudge to his abdomen. Grumbling to myself when he doesn't do so much as twitch under my foot, I cross my arms over my chest and sigh again.

Craning my neck to the side I look at the crowd of people openly gaping at me. " What the hell are you all looking at? Don't you have something else to do with you lives that doesn't include staring at me?" After hearing me speak, most of them scatter like cockroaches under the light but some of the men stay. I swivel on my heels so that I'm now completely facing them, and raise one eyebrow upwards.

" Oh look, the loyal little lapdogs decide to stay." I spit out sarcastically, narrowing my eyes and scoffing in annoyance. A few of them growl and bare sharp pearly whites at me before speaking.

" Get away from our alpha, it doesn't matter if you are our Luna. We won't have you hurting him little girl."

A big burley man steps forward, his black hair cut short enough for his head to reflect the glare of the sun, and his deep mocha skin tone showing no age. In fact the only gauge I have for this man is the experience in his eyes.

He's got a distinguishing scar through his left eyebrow, the cut looks jagged and rough like someone had dragged a piece of glass across the small space. Meaningful tattoos line up and down his arms, and all in all if its not for all the men I've seen in my military years, he would seem pretty intimidating.

My eyebrows furrow together in confusion. Alpha, Luna, as in the wolf pack kind? That would make some kind of sense I guess, being as I'm pretty sure they can all turn into giant furry wolves too. Does that mean that we're some kind of shapeshifter? Wait we're not anything! I'm not shipped into whatever weird bizarro cult thing they're part of. My eyes narrow in defiance and I snarl boldly,

" Oh excuse me for being a tad bit pissed off. I guess kidnapping is a normal thing for your weird furry cult thing isn't it?" The man furrows his own sharp brows for a moment, and then frowns in a confused manner.

" What do you mean weird cult thing, we're wolf bloods! How can you not know what your own species is?" He asks me in a duh like tone, as if I'm suppose to know what all this is about. My nose scrunches up in distaste " Wolfbloods.....?" In my mind, I put two and two together... werewolves! Immediately, images of hairy men that howl at the full moon pop into my head, and I find that my nose scrunches up even more, but this time in disgust. I am not one of those fury barbarians. I refuse to believe that I'm some hairy mutt! I know exactly who I am, I'm Gem fucking Davis and that's who I've been my entire life!

Scoffing in disbelief I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. " So basically, you're saying I'm a furry werewolf mutt that likes to howl at the moon? Yeah right, and I'm the God dammed tooth fairy too, but only on my free days when the hair falls off." I cross my arms over my chest and prove my defense with sarcasm, an extremely patronizing baby look on my face, like I'm speaking to a two year old. The Ageless man tilts his head back, his eyes drawn to my chest. My jaw clenches when his eyes widen on my well endowed bust area, I'm about to open my mouth and give him a good taste of dirt when he cuts me off.

" I don't know if I'm correct, but I believe those things around your neck are military dog tags." He throws me a wide smile, exposing rows of straight white teeth. My own eyes widen for a fraction of a second before they narrow back down. My arms shift on my chest, feeling the cold reassurance of the thin slabs of metal engraved with my ranking pressed into my chest. Who is this man, and how does he know this? Is he ex-military himself? There's only one way to find out...

Without wasting a fraction of a second, I spring off the balls of my feet and lunge at him at an alarmingly fast speed. My hand gripping the knife strapped to my side in attack mode. I don't aim for a tackle though, instead I focus on his ribcage and torso. Slamming my elbow into his collar, I extend my hand out only a second later and plunge the knife at his heart. If my theory is correct... It takes him only a millisecond to react. His elbow slams into the sensitive joint between my arm and my shoulder, causing me to drop the knife.

He reaches out to upper cut my chest while the pain still sets in, but I know this counter attack. His hard fist doesn't get the chance to make contact with my abdomen. Gripping his fist with my hands, I slow the impact. Once the velocity of the attack is diminished, I swerve my hips to the right sending my leg into a fierce kick to his temple. My heel makes contact with his hard head, and a grunt of pain escapes him but he doesn't cry out in pain, only proving my theory even more.

He stumbles back but catches himself, the small trickle of blood running down the side of my head gives me my answer. Having got the information I needed and confirming my theory, I relax my fighting stance and agilely bounce away from combat range on the balls of my feet. This man is definitely ex-military. The way he deflected my knife attack by hitting the pressure point at my shoulder and stunning my arm into releasing my weapon is one of the first hand to hand combat moves taught in the military.

He didn't cry out in pain, and refused to show weakness, something also taught in the military. It explains how he new that the dog tags around my neck are military, and the scar on through his eyebrow. He probably served a long time, and has a lot more of those underneath his protective clothing. " So, what are you doing here in this place old man? You've obviously not forgotten your teachings in the military." I inquire him with a disappointed frown on my face, what is someone like him doing with these psychos? " Don't look at me like that Sargent, we're both ex-military here. I swear these people aren't what you think they are. I thought the same thing when I arrived here a while ago, they are good people here!"

His deep rumbling voice sounds at ease here, and he talks of these people with good intentions. I can relate with this man, I'm sure we've both been through some of the exact same situations and suffered some of the same things. But why was he defending the people that kidnapped me? I couldn't help the disappointed feeling that swept over me, I thought he would understand and relate to my thoughts but I guess not. Maybe he was kicked out for insanity? The thought plagues my mind...

I let out a short sigh, almost feeling slight pity. " There's a difference between you and me old man, you've gone soft here. Probably contaminated by the wickedness of the people here. But I will never forget, I won't forget the suffering I've endured to live, and the people I've had to kill to save others. The people here are enemy's and foes, not friends. I'm not naive, I've been kidnapped and I know that. So Im not going to stay here and play Barbie dress up with you all and give each other mani-pedi's. I want out of whatever the hell I've been dragged into, and I want out now."

My voice seems to grow in anger by the word, and at the end of my slight rant my voice is stone cold and unwavering. His whole demeanor seems to frown, and he opens his mouths to reply at me but is cut off my the oh so familiar voice of the stranger that kidnapped me. " Beta stand down!!! That's my mate!!!" When I whip me head around to defend any attacks I see him. The strangers dark eyes gleam as he sees me and the mans exchange. He picks himself of the ground and runs towards us, the moment he reaches us he puts me behind him protectively and snarls at the other man. His touch sends the same tingles throughout my body, and I flinch away. "MINE." Oh shit, couldn't he have stayed down for a little longer?

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