Chapter 5 : The Shift

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Gems p.o.v.

Agonizing pain. It's the only way I can describe the horror I'm going through right now. My body feels like it's on fire, like molten lava being poured down my throat and slowly and agonizingly making its way through my body. My ribs began to shake and tremble inside my body, and before I could shriek in horror, they snapped.

Yes, all of them for no apparent reason. A loud thud echoes against the concrete as my body drops to the ground, my legs becoming to weak to hold me up. I could feel all my bones reshaping and folding inside my skin. What the hell is happening to me?

Possible scenarios run through my head, and I use all my military knowledge to try and figure out what in the Devils name is possessing my body to make it break like this, but nothing I can think of makes any sense.

Trying to put my body in the most comfortable position for my pain, I curl myself up into the fetal position. My hands clutch my knees until my knuckles turn white with strain, and my lungs burn with the need to inhale more air. Its like someone has a vice like grip on my lungs, squeezing them with brutal force. In a broken attempt to take in more air, my body racks itself into a fit of rabid coughs. But instead of oxygen, I end up coughing up a thick dark red substance. Blood.

Flags go off in my head everywhere, that's definitely not suppose to happen. By now, my mental stability was beginning to fade from the pain, but I force my eyes to stay open. At this point, if I pass out I'm positive I'll die. Not yet I wont, I still have a peppermint mocha to have! Well, I guess I'll have to buy a new one...

If I survive this. Okay, that probably wasn't the best thought for this moment. When the bones in my legs begin to shake in the same way that my ribs did, I take a sharp inhale of breath and mentally prepare myself for the excruciating painI know I'm about to experience. When it finally happens, I realize I haven't prepared myself enough. My legs snap and pain burns it's way through my legs and into my torso.

My tear ducts start to sting and my vision starts to cloud. I bite my lips to the point of blood so that I don't start to cry. In the back of my head muffled sounds struggle to reach my ears. They sound like voices, all of them deep and husky, the deep tones vibrating in my skull. In a small spasm if pain, the voices get louder and I can feel them getting closer.

The fuzzy mumbled noises become clearer, to the point where I can start to make out certain words. "!" I had to strain myself to pick apart the one sentence, and even so it still took me a second to put the words together correctly. After a second of analysis, I realize that the husky voice belongs to the stranger from the coffee shop. All I know at the moment is that I don't want those strangers anywhere near me.

I mean, there's only one explanation I can think of for what's happening to me... All of these things started to happen when I met the stranger at the cafe! In fact, this pain started only seconds after having a run in with the strangers buddies! Yeah, that's gotta be it... Who else could have triggered this pain in me.

H-he must have put something in my coffee or something! But no, I took it right after it was made. But, what else could he have poisoned? That had to be it, yeah he slipped some poison into my coffee and that's why this is happening to me!!!! In a second of weakness, two large hands cradle me from my back and before I can protest I'm being lifted into the air and placed against a warm muscular chest.

For some reason, that same primal urge that was telling me to kill them five seconds ago was encouraging me to snuggle into the comfortable chest.

What the hell is wrong with me, am I bi polar now too! My hands twitch with the need to hold the chiseled body keeping me sane, and I clutch them close to my chest in hopes of keeping myself from doing exactly that. An agonizing wave of pain wracks through my body in the form of a seizure like spasm, and a muffled scream of pain escapes me.

Whoever's holding me hears my cry and seems to sprint faster. " doctor..." A comforting vibrating comes from the chest of who's carrying me, and a deep husky voice rings in my ears. But surprisingly, it doesn't annoy me at all.

It takes me a moment to recognize this voice, the stranger! My mind only gets about five words and I have to guess the rest of the sentence. But from what I gather, I'm still left confused. What the fuck is a pack doctor?

I knew that this was his fault! In a second, cold metal seeps through my shirt and into my back. By the slight vibrations and the distinct smell of motor oil, I can make a pretty accurate guess that my kidnapper has placed me in some kind of car. Pretty big, being as I can stretch my entire 5'11 frame out with extra room. A van... I decide.

Oh great, it better not be all white, I don't want to be in a rapist van! Feeling the unbearable movement of my bones shifting underneath my skin, I squirm around like a fish out of water. Frustratingly my body aches for my kidnappers warmth, but I immediately shut the idea down. There's no way I'm going to seek comfort in the man who's causing this in the first place. The sound of a door sliding closed hits my ears and I ignore it.

As the driver of the large vehicle I'm in steps on the gas, the van surged forward with annoying speed and a bump in the road sends me into the air. When I come back down, I land painfully on my already broken ribs. A animalistic howl of pain escapes me followed by a whimper of pain.

What in the living hell was that? The sound that had just escaped me sounded the farthest thing from human I had ever heard. It almost sounded like a wolfs whimper... No, that's impossible! But, when my gums start to burn and my teeth begin to elongate I start to question my previous thought. A gasp of horror escapes me when they continue to get longer, curving at the end like... wolf k-9's. Oh jesus, am I... turning into a fucking wolf!

But that's not physically possible! With each painful change in my body my resolve becomes weaker. I-I'm turning into a dog! But when the last literally hair-raising change takes place, my allegations are confirmed. The light colored hair on my arms and legs begins to prick up like its attracted to some kind of magnet hovering over me. Then, the same burning sensation that took place in my gums starts to burn underneath my skin.

My eyes widen in horror as I watch with my very own eyes as my hair starts to grow in length. With a final wrack of agony I howl out in pain as the bones in my skull begin to reshape. They stretch out and narrow at the end like they're being shaped with clay, and my skin stretches out over them as it gets pulled along on the ride.

My once angled nose flattens out and changes color until it's black and wet like a dogs. My eyes keep their pitch black lashes, but narrow out along with my pupils, that stretch out into slits. My multiple ear piercings stay in my ears as they stretch out into soft plush triangles on the top of my new wolf head. My bones finally take their final shape and I breath a wolf sigh of relief when the life stopping pain comes to a definite halt.

My body begins to shake in the after shock of what my body had just endured and I opened my eyes only to take a sharp inhale of air. Everything is different.

The faint sliding sound of a door being slid open is now a loud sound with my new found heightened hearing, and I flinch at the sudden noise. My eyes greedily take in my surrounding like a man in the desert would a bottle of water, and I struggle to get up of four wolf legs.

Everything is sharper, clearer, more defined. I can see dust molecules dancing in the small slivers of sun that filter through the opening in the door, and the smell of motor oil becomes much stronger. To the point where it gets to be too much, and I force my wobbly fur covered legs to move across the metal floor.

The cold seeps through the paws on my feet and the soft cradle of grass meets my legs as I step out of the car. My kidnapper steps out of the large white car, and steadily walks over to me with a large creepy smile on his handsome face.

Woah, woah, when did I start thinking his face is handsome? His hand extends towards me in mutual greeting and he looks into my eyes lovingly. Wait, lovingly? " You look beautiful love." He speaks breathlessly, running his muscled fingers down my back. And that's when it hits me, I'm a fucking werewolf. And without even a wolfy gasp, I faint.

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