Chapter 3 : Mate

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Daltons p.o.v.

The moment I saw her, I knew she was mine. Her very presence sent a wave of emotion into me that I had never felt before. Her appearance itself was enough to draw me in, but on top of that she has the most mouthwatering scent I have ever come across.

Vanilla with a hint of cinnamon and zest. She's tall, a feature in women I had never known I could love so much. Her toned legs seemed to go on forever, leading to a flat muscled stomach. I could see the outline of at least a few abs underneath her tank top. Yet somehow, she managed to be completely proportionate! She had a chest most women would die for. She seemed to have weight in all the right places.

Her face is what left me the most breathless. A true piece of structured artwork is what it should be called. High cheekbones, leading me to believe that she has some Cherokee heritage somewhere. And full lips, blood red and perfectly shaped. But of all those things, her eyes caught me the most.

The most piercing pair of electric blue eyes I have ever laid eyes on. Absolutely breathtaking... When I clashed eyes with her, my heart literally stopped. I swear, I couldn't hear it for a couple of seconds. I freely let my eyes explore her, letting my wolf drink in her features and her exotic sent. When I noticed her eyes began to wonder as well, I just couldn't help but smirk. When I made this seemingly small action, her eyes went void of all emotions except one. Disgust.

No, that's not how it's suppose to roll. All the story's I've heard from all the elders and other pack members clearly stated that the first emotion they had when seeing their mate was love. So why was she different? That's when I got a little curious. I raised my head to the air slightly, and took a deep breath of air trying to zero in on her breath taking sent.

That's when I noticed it, she was definitely a wolf but her sent had no mix of the natural woodsy sent of a mature wolf yet... That's when it hit me, she just hadn't shifted yet! That would explain why she didn't love me immediately right? But she still should've felt the connection anyway...

Wanting to investigate, I stepped forward to speak to her. To my utter surprise, she didn't seem to have any interest in holding a conversation with me at all. When I started to get the obvious vibe that she was getting annoyed at my presence, I couldn't help the small whimper that escaped me and my wolf.

I had just met her and I already hated that she was displeased with me. I had always made fun of my buds who met their mates and became total wallflowers. We used to joke about them being totally whipped, but now that I had experienced the gift of locking eyes with my own mate, I understood. Deep down in my heart I knew, I would do anything for this girl. No, this woman. I just can't justify calling her a girl. The experience in her eyes and her tall stature prevented me from doing so...

Most of my friends had told me how they found younger girls cute, but now that I had seen her I just couldn't imagine a cutesy girly girl as my soul mate. I realized then that I found the strong, mysterious, angled beauty much more enticing. I couldn't wait to get to know her! It was at that moment I realized I didn't even know her name yet... I wonder what it is?

Hmmm.... Cassandra, Alexandria, maybe Hailey? As I looked at her, none of the names seemed to fit right. The conclusion just made me even more eager to learn her name. Oh god, I bet it's something to fit her beauty perfectly. Something strong and gorgeous, something truly beautiful...

I probably looked like a crazy man on crack, I was nervously bouncing on my heels and I was extremely close to jumping up and down. I wasn't even trying to contain my happiness, and by the loud howling and panting in my head, neither was my wolf. Practically sprinting over to her in this crowded coffee shop, I begin to engage in conversation. But when the words try to come out, I don't know what to say.

I open my mouth to speak but the words fall off my tongue and I loose them. This would be the first words I would ever speak to my soul mate, and could also screw our whole relationship up If I said something to offend her in any way. Oh jeez, this is not easy. No pressure at all dude.... " What do you want bird brains, hasn't anyone ever told you not to mess with a girl and her coffee." Probably noticing my loss for words, she shocked me to the core by speaking first. Dammit, I had lost my chance. I barley registered the harsh words as they came out of her blood red lips and I felt my whole body freeze as I heard her voice.

Oh god, I literally felt my knees go weak from the deep rumbling sensation. Her voice was deep, yet husky and smooth and I could really say I had never heard a girl speak with that tone of voice in my life. I was so used to high pitched annoying voices associated with girls. Never had I ever imagined a woman could possess such a sultry voice. My breath caught in my throat and I found a large smile sneaking its way onto my face. Oh yeah, I definitely looked like a lunatic now.

But for some weird reason, I didn't really care. I had found her, my soul mate. And she was way more then I could have ever imagined. I almost froze again when she walked away from me, when her name was called to get her coffee. Even though I felt my heart slowly breaking with each step, I couldn't help but feel giddy at my new discovery.

Her name.... Gem, or at least that's what the young girl who seemed to have her order said. Oh it fit her perfectly, and now that I had heard it, I couldn't imagine any other name for her. She is a gem, rare and special. And I plan on treating her like one for the rest of her life.

After she got her coffee, she seemed to feel me keeping close to her and began to pick up her pace and walk faster towards the door. It took me a second to figure out what she was doing. It took me until she reached the door for me to reach out to her and grab her slim wrist. Sparks. Sparks shot through me like wildfire, lighting every cell of my body on pleasurable fire. Oh lord, the sensation was one hundred times better then I could halve ever imagined it. I couldn't help my instinctive reaction to pull her close. For a little while, I let my wolf out.

My nose immediately nuzzled itself in between her neck and collarbone, and brushed against her lightly tanned creamy skin. Her sent washed over me like a blanket, and my wolf began to purr out loud at the natural fragrance.

She seemed shocked to hear the sudden and unusual noise and pulled out of my arms quickly. My wolf whimpered immediately at the sudden loss of warmth and wholeness radiating from our mate. She had used a large amount of force, and I couldn't help the giddy reaction that my mate is strong. But when she ran from me, I was more then shell shocked. Her long legs carried her faster then I had ever seen any girl run and I actually had to sprint to stay behind her. Unknowingly, she had triggered my wolf. He was definitely more then enjoying the chase, seeing her behind was enough to please him anyway.

After a few blocks, she seemed to realize this was getting know where and stopped. My wolf actually whimpered at the loss of action with his mate. She was not at all out of breath, and pride swelled once again inside my chest. " Alright, what do you want?" She asks me, voice stern but with slight anger. To me, the response was immediate and obvious. " Isn't it obvious little mate, I want you." I gave her a victory smirk but she seemed unaffected by my public show of affection.

I had to hold myself back from adding that she was destined to be mine, but somehow I managed. " What the hell is that suppose to mean?" She yells, obviously getting angrier by the second. The subtle rise in volume her voice gave away showed it. " It means you're mine. I have been waiting a long time to have you, and I'm not letting you go." I finish finally, feeling her sweet breath mingle with mine. Now that I have seen her, there's no way in hell I'm letting her go.

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