Me: I'll take the giant golem and its driver!

Yami&Jack: Don't hesitate, pretty hair!

The golem swing his hand at me but I jump on his arm and start to run on his arm.

Elf1: Go away!

He use another hand to try to grab me but I jump out of the way. I touch its head and the golem start to freeze from its head.

Me: Ice Magic: Freeze Touch.

After the golem and its driver completely freeze, I land in front of the golem. Suddenly a large fire start to surround my right fist.

Me: Fire Magic: Punch of Rage!

I punch the frozen golem's body with my right fist and a strong shockwave occur. The frozen golem's body start to break into pieces. The golem driver start to fall and I catch him. He's unconsious. I put him down. I look at Jack and Yami and see they also done.

Jack: You're late, pretty hair.

Me: My opponent's size is bigger than your opponents.

Yami: Your opponents is not as big as that thing.

He said while pointing at the town direction. We look at the direction and see Eye of the Midnight's sun base is flying over the town.

Jack: Kihihihi.. I feel strong magic power coming from that thing. Looks like we're going to have more fun.

Finral: No! Not fun at all! That is probably enemy's stronghold, right?! What kind of crazy guy will come out next?!!

Me: Yeah, there will be lot of strong guy in that thing.

Yami: Damn... They just had to bring out this huge lump of rock.

Suddenly Zora land beside me while bringing Noelle.

Zora: (Y/N), your girlfriend worry about you and force me to bring her here.

Noelle: Shut up!!

Yami then look at Zora.

Yami: Hey, who the hell are you? Why you wear Black Bulls robe?!


Yami: Oh, you must be the guy that (Y/N) recruited.

Me: Yeah, he is.

Suddenly a steel eagle land in front of us. Nozel, Mimossa, Kirsch and En get down from the eagle.

Nozel: I'll kill you right here, traitor.

He suddenly use his magic to attack me.

Me:*dodge the attack* The hell is your problem?

He make lot of mercury blade around him and launch all of it at me.

Me: Ice Magic: Rising Wall.

I put my hand up and a large ice wall appear in front of me and block the attack.

Black Bulls Hope (Black Clover X Male Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя