I shook my head, telling myself that Toni isn't like that. I know she has been trying before the whole situation, so I'm really praying I gave my consent before we did anything. The sound of knocking on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it" I yelled out, in which a soft voice said "It's me Mommy". "Come in baby" I yelled slightly, and I watched as the door opened slowly. Anastasia walked in and closed the door behind her, before walking over to me to sit on the floor.

"Morning baby girl" I spoke as I leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Good Morning!! Mommy what is Daddy doing here" she asked immediately.

"What do you mean baby" I asked her. "Daddy is in your room. I don't want her here" she pouted.

I sighed and swayed my legs in the water, before looking back at my daughter. "Stasia baby, she's your other parent and she's going to have to be in your life, whether you like it or not. When has she ever yelled at you or hit you ever since she came back home".

I looked at her, waiting for an answer, and she mumbled "She hasn't".

"Exactly, because your Daddy changed for the better. I know you saw me pick you up crying and heard me talking with your uncles and Aunties about your Daddy when we got home, which is why you may not like her right now. Remember, she's a little bit sick in the head, but she's trying okay. Sometimes the sickness beats her and makes her do things she doesn't want to and we have to understand that right".

She nodded her head and so did I. Now I wasn't only doing this to convince Anastasia, but to also convince myself.

"Mommy was just sad that your Daddy has to go through that sickness. Now go and apologize to your Daddy cause I heard you said you hated her. Remember we don't use that word in this house. When I get out the bathroom, I better see that you two made up. If not, you and I will be having a serious conversation later on".

I watched as she stood up and gave me a thumbs up before leaving the bathroom. After she exited, I let myself stay in the bath for a few minutes, before deciding I should go shower.

I drained the tub and stepped into the shower as the water leveled down in the tub. After taking my nice long shower, I grabbed my towel off the rack and dried myself off.

My clothes were in my closet, so I just decided to wrap the towel around me and exited the bathroom.

As I exited, I looked at my bed to see Toni and Anastasia giggling at something on Toni's phone. I don't think they noticed me, so I took that chance to go and get moisturized and clothed. Once I came out the closet (LOL) I saw Anastasia on Toni's phone, yet Toni was nowhere in sight.

"In the bathroom" Stasia spoke, without looking up from the phone. I looked at the bed and realized Toni had actually cleaned up, in which I nodded my head at how good she did. I went to my nightstand and picked up my phone, seeing that the battery was low.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Toni walk out the bathroom, and I struggled to pull my eyes away from her. I decided to distract myself by looking for my charger, so I could charge my phone downstairs.

"Um Cher do you have any clothes I could uh wear" Toni asked from behind me. I pointed to the closet and I'm guessing that's where she went.

"Mommy why was Daddy with no clothes when I came in here" Stasia asked which made me widen my eyes. My legs started to shake again which made me sit down on the bed.

"She was a bit hot honey, so she had to....take off her clothes to cool off" I tried explaining. "But it's winter" she said confused and I almost told her to shut the fuck up, but remembered she's my daughter.

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