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Stacy began preparing straight away, she would try her absolute best to win this boys heart all the while staying a golden child in the eyes of his father. It wouldn't take much effort, Stacy always got her way, especially with the male gender, and even though she was only young she could wrap a man around her little pinky.
Her mother came in with a sympathetic look on her face. Maggie new her child was stubborn and was expecting a vocal beat down.
"Stacy-" her mother began.
"Mummy! Can you believe it! I'm engaged!" Stacy cried out with joy as an endless stream of all the shoes she would be able to buy flew through her head.
Maggie was baffled, she was surprised that Stacy was agreeing so easily. Only yesterday she had still been fanaticising about meeting her mate. What shocked her even more though, was the sight of her daughter running around her room trying to dress herself. Stacy never lifted a finger unless motivated by extreme conditions... or shoes. That child had an obsessive fascination with shoes.
"My dear you don't have to go through with this, I'm sure I can convince your father to cancel the agreement" Maggie said.
"Oh but Mummy why would you? When I am as happy as a lamb with this arrangement, there is nothing to change." Giggled Stacy.
Maggie again questioned the child's motivations as Stacy ignored the shoes in her wardrobe and instead pushed to the back for her fine dresses.
"Mummy" Stacy called out "could you get me my pretty golden dress from the back, I want to try it on."
Her mother complied and gathered the shimmering fabric from its hangers and helped Stacy put it on.
Stacy rushed to the mirror to admire the golden pleates that swung around her knees and the poofy shoulders that sparkled like the sun.
I look gorgeous
She did a little spin before grinning up at her mother.
"I'll make sure to win everybody's hearts, I always do" Stacy spoke very confidently and knew she would be the prize to catch when she would meet him.
"Mummy, did daddy say when we are going to meet them?" She questions.
Her mother responded in a collected manner but her eyes seemed rather panicked "I'm not quite sure, your father said anytime this week. I spoke to the head maid and she told me your father said that they were going to come stay here, the head maid is rather bothered by this because she has to keep preparing meals for the extra guests each night incase they show up."
Maggie could tell her daughter had stopped listening when she caught her staring at the shoes she was wearing in the mirror behind them.
Stacy had stopped listening after 'some point this week' it wasn't her job after all to keep the pack house in order so she didn't bother herself to listen to the maids problems. Her mother had always said she needed to as she would one day need to run a house hold as the Luna or lady of the house but that was what maids were for.
I need not concern my self with those matters, it's their job as maids, not mine :p

Thanks for reading, hopefully we will get to meet the SuperMoon pack next time but even I don't know, I've not got a set story plan. I have an idea but most of this I write on the spot. As always, any mistakes please feel free to point them out. First published 23/03/2021 bye 👋

Don't forget to have a good day/night. And if it is late, this is your friendly reminder to go to sleep.

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