Chapter 11: The End of Love

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, Erwin." I curtseyed a little in jest and walked over to his desk kissing his cheek softly.

A small smile crept into his face.
"Good morning, y/n."

I looked around the room my hands grazing over the bookcases.
"Do you have any plans for today?"
I asked taking a book from the shelf and wiping the dust from it with my sleeve

"Not that I can think of, why?" He looked up from the paper he was signing.

"It's just, I think it might be time we organise your office. I've been putting off asking about it but I feel like there's a lot of old files lying around and if we organised it a bit better it might be easier to keep track of everything." I coughed a bit from the dust.

"Very well then." Erwin put down his pen and pushed the papers on his desk aside. "Let's get to work, it's going to take a while thought, you are aware of this right?"

"Of course. But who knows it might even be fun?" I pulled the chair over to the desk and began to flick through papers making piles around the room as a way to distinguish what they were for. People had continued to come in and out all day, including Hange, but they didn't stay for long for fear they would be roped into helping with this gargantuan task.

Soon the piles had taken over most of the room and I was beginning to think this was a bigger task than I had originally anticipated. The information contained within all this paper work was not only interesting but also incredibly dangerous if it got into the wrong hands. So, organising it and making sure it was well kept would be the first step to making sure that it didn't get leaked anywhere.

Just as we were stopping to take a short break Levi opened the door carefully holding two cups of steaming hot tea.
"I thought you two could use a beverage." Levi stated plainly, walking over to the desk and placing the tea down.

"Thank you Levi, much appreciated as always." Erwin said in response.

"Yes, thanks, I was just starting to get a little parched. But how did you know we were doing this?" I asked taking a sip of the tea.

"Hange told me. It's a big task, I've attempted it many times myself. Consider me impressed." With that he left the room. I couldn't help but feel a little triumphant that it seemed Levi was finally starting to warm up to me.

"You really must have made a good impression. I don't think he's ever made tea for a guest before." Erwin chuckled and went back to signing papers.

As much as I appreciated Levi bringing me this tea, it might be the opportunity I've been looking for.
I reached across Erwin's desk to grab a paper and knocked into the tea cup causing it to fall onto its side and spill its contents onto the desk.

"Oh god's!" I hurriedly picked up the stack of papers closest to it to avoid having them get wet. "I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy sometimes, I'm always spilling ink at work too."

"It's alright, you managed to grab the papers out the way before the got damaged so no harm done. I'll just go and grab a cloth to clean that up" Erwin stood from his desk.

"It's okay, I can go." I turned my head towards Erwin as he rounded the desk headed for the door.

"No, it's okay I needed to stretch my legs, anyhow. I'll just grab one from the storage cupboard down the hall." Erwin cracked his knuckles on his leg before smiling at me and leaving the room.

Perfect. Now he was gone I hurriedly grabbed my bag pulling out my notebook and going behind Erwin's desk opening several of the drawers looking for the diagrams that had been mentioned in the letters mother had written me.

'Damn, where could they be in this mess.' I thought to myself before noticing one of the drawers on the desk had a key hole
"Curses." I muttered. "Where would he keep the key?" I knew I didn't have long before Erwin would return and the last thing I wanted was for him to catch me rifling through his desk drawers and especially not picking the lock.

I tugged on the handle and to my surprise it pulled open with a slight jolt. I guess he left it open. He clearly trusted me. I pulled out the blueprints and began to hurriedly scribble down measurements and any drawings I could muster as quickly as possible. Glancing to the door every now and then.

After I had got enough to recreated the blueprint at a later date I put the papers back and closed the drawer before grabbing one of the papers off the top of one of the piles that I had sorted earlier and writing down information about an upcoming mission. I became lost in writing down the details, they always nagged me for not being specific enough so I'd give them specifics.


The sound of a floorboard under someone's weight.

I turned my head quickly to see Erwin in the doorway his blue eyes dull and numbed. No cloth in hand.

We stared at each other in silence for a few moments the blood draining from my face before Erwin finally spoke his voice full of hurt.

"Was it all a lie?"

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