Chapter 18: A magical night

Start from the beginning

“You need some air?” She asked calmly and you nodded.

She then immediately took your hand and led the way to the garden. She took you as far away from the fuzz of the party as possible. Once the silence  of the night was the only thing that you could hear she led you to a bench under a tree and sat you down there.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yes, I just...” You hesitated and looked at you hands.

“Y/n, you can talk to me.”

“A few hours ago I saw my mum, who I thought was dead by the way, and now I am just dancing and having fun as if nothing happened. That’s not normal Sif.” You said and your eyes started watering. Sif places her hand on your back and gave you a reassuring smile.

“I can’t imagine how hard-“ Sif started but you cut her.

“No it’s actually fine, I don’t feel sad, not yet at least and that’s the worst part. All I can think about is...” You hesitated again but this time Sif knew exactly what you wanted to say.

“Loki.” She finished your sentence.

“Is it that obvious?” There was no point of denying it anymore.

“It’s just the way you look at him. And of course the way he looks at you.” You quickly turned to look at her and your eyes slightly lit up.

“What? No. That’s ridiculous.”

“Y/n, you really have to talk to him. He likes you, a lot and so do you. You guys are perfect for each other you are basically the only ones that don’t see it.”

“Sif-“ You tried to protest.

“No. You know what I’m saying is right.” She told you and stood up. “I am going to get inside again and let you think about it. I really hope you come inside and talk to him.” You just nodded and Sif left.

You were left now alone, sitting on the bench, thinking about what Sif had told you. You wanted so much for it to be true and you really wished to had the strength to go to Loki and tell him how you really felt.

But of course that was just a silly thought. You could never do such a thing, only in fear of embarrassing yourself completely, or even worse loosing him. Only the thought of that made your heart beat fast in terror. You took a few deep breaths and tried to kick these thoughts out of your mind.

Suddenly a hand gently touched your shoulder and your quickly turned around in fear. A feeling of relief and anxiety hit you at the same time when you locked eyes with the trickster God. You quickly stood up and faced him properly.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said with a calm and sweet voice.

“It’s not your fault, I’m just...on edge.” You showed him a weak smile.

“What happened? Was it Fandral? One word and I’ll make it look like and accident.” Loki told you and you chuckled.

“Why so jealous?” Once the words came out of your mouth and you looked at Loki you immediately realised what you had just said. “Sorry, I meant-“ Your tried to explain.

“No, it’s okay.” Loki cut you “I was actually quite envious that he got to dance with you all night.”

That definitely caught you old guard. What was he doing? You knew Loki well by now and that’s why you knew that he never talked his feelings. That was one of the reasons why you were scared to open up to him. And now he was just saying everything out loud?

What the hell?

“Loki-“ Your tried to speak but he cut you again.

“No, I have something to say and I will say it.”

Your heart was beating so fast and so loud it was like it was about to explode in your chest. Breathing seemed like a hard thing to do anymore and your hands were shaking. You looked into the raven haired God’s deep green eyes and waited to hear his next words as if they were the most important words into life.

“Look, y/n, I am not the kind of person that opens up to anyone. I don’t tend to bond with people in any level-“

You didn’t like at all the way he was heading with this and decided to cut him shortly, before it was too late.

“Ok look I get it, Loki. You don’t like people, you are a loner and I am a stupid girl with a crush. Could we just end it here I don’t want it to get even more embarrassing.” You said quickly, without thinking and stuck your look on the ground. You were really hoping Sif’s words were true but apparently they weren’t.

Loki didn’t say anything, he just let out a small laugh which didn’t help the situation. You decided you didn’t want to stay and learn what more he had to say so you started walking away.

“You are really not going to let me finish, are you?” Loki finally said with a calm and steady voice and you stopped walking immediately.

“What?” You turned around and said with a low and sad tone.

“If you had let me finish, I would had told you that all my life I would open up to no one, in fear of being judged or even rejected. But from the moment we first talked...” Loki started taking slow, steady steps towards you. “From the moment I first heard this beautiful voice of yours y/n y/l/n, I knew there was something different about you. You make me feel safe and actually wanted and with you I never feel uncomfortable, not even when we just sit in a room in silence. I may not know you for that long but you have made me so much better believe me. The goodness and joy you spark when you enter a room make everything bad from the world, and from me, disappear in a second and your beautiful smile is my only weakness.” His words made your eyes water but you managed to keep the tears in. Loki was now standing so close to you. You could feel his breath and his hand was shyly reaching to touch yours. “And just for the record you are not a stupid girl with a crush.”

Suddenly time stopped as Loki’s lips came closer to yours. You closed your eyes as your heart decided to skip a beat. His hand slowly moved from your wrists to the elbow and the your shoulders slowly approaching your face. Your knees felt weaker and weaker as his lips touched yours. It still wasn’t clear if you were dreaming this moment to life. Your whole body tingled and the feeling of his soft touch on your cheeks felt like he had just woken you from a long and deep sleep.

Loud music started playing in your head as the soft touch of your lips became more intense and passionate. For the first time in your life you didn’t feel shy, if anything, the warm feeling of Loki’s breath was inviting. After a few more moment of guilty pleasure and passion you both slowly pulled away. Loki’s hand were still touching your now deep red cheeks and yours were now wrapped around his waist. You didn’t open your eyes for a second, you were scared that this was all a trick your imagination was paying with you. You could hear Loki’s breath loudly and your heart pounding in your chest even louder.

“You can open them now, I’m still here.” Loki whispered as if he had heard your thoughts.

You then slowly opened your eyes to see the God of Mischief standing in front of you with a sweet smile. His eyes were sparkling and the moonlight was lightning his face perfectly. You gazed into his beautiful eyes and smiled, moving your hand on top of his head and slightly messing up his hair.

In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now