Chapter 5

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Time passed and Orochimaru was now twelve years old. His older brother had made it to UA this year and his parents were now highly motivated to give him the best career opportunities. Not only did Souta have wide contacts as the head of the police department, but Misaki often worked with pro heroes and knew some of them.

So what does a family with a lot of contacts do to have them pass to their son? Simple. A gala. It was easy to get the invitations for the entire family. His parents had gone to such events many times before, only this time would be the first time they would take their children.

That's right, plural. Orochimaru would officially be going along, and while he found it amusing to once again get in as a not-so-unknown criminal without a second thought, he had never been a fan of such gatherings.

"Kenta we can't leave your hair like that!" his mother called out as she held the scissors ready to trim his long black hair. For those who hadn't noticed, he loved his hair and he wouldn't cut it for something like this. He avoided letting his mother touch him.

"You can't go around like that. Half of your face is covered" she shouted and Orochimaru sprinted through the living room, his mother close on his heels.

Suddenly his father came skittering around the corner, a pair of scissors in hand as well, his Quirk activated to catch him. "It's for your brother, Kenta!" he yelled, and with a roar of war, he lunged at the boy.

Calmly analyzing his situation, Orochimaru saw the garden as the only way out. He leapt elegantly over the large couch and drifted across the wooden living room table. His pitch-black hair flew wildly behind him as he sprinted to the patio door, threw it open without a hitch, and leapt out of the house. Across the patio he ran onto the wide green lawn.

"Kentaaa!" someone shouted ahead of him, and Orochimaru stopped his sprint.

At the other end stood Nibori, his Quirk activated and his green eyes flashing dangerously.

Behind him, his parents burst through the door and stopped in front of the lawn. Chains clanged and scissors snapped. Orochimaru watched them from the side angle, his hair dancing wildly in the wind and his hands twitching.

"Do it for me, brother!" and with a final cry, the fronts set in motion and engaged in a bloody battle.

Their bloodcurdling screams rang throughout the neighborhood and made people shudder.


In the end, Orochimaru had won the war and was allowed to keep his hair. As a compromise, he had to tie them in a low ponytail or else they would have to be cut off. It was something he could live with and it wasn't the first time he had to tie them back either.

Next his parents had forced him into a suit and he wasn't sure if that really suited him. He wasn't one for formal things.

"You look good Kenta" his mother told him, to which he raised an eyebrow. Even Nibori and Souta looked at the youngest with pity because it was clear that he absolutely did not want to be here. It was a miracle, but this family had learned over the years to directly classify even the slightest twitch in his facial expression and could tell exactly what he was feeling. Sometimes it was quite convenient because he had to do absolutely nothing for them to understand, but it could also have risks.

Then he was left standing alone while Misaki ran over to his older brother to fix his tie. Instead, his father stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. They both ignored the helpless look Nibori gave them as his mother combed through his hair again because it didn't look neat enough.

Souta laughed lightly beside him and then looked down at his youngest son, whose golden eyes, as always, calmly and indifferently surveyed the area. He sighed inwardly and his heart tightened painfully. Even now, when the young one was standing right within reach, he felt as if there were miles between them. Even as he touched his shoulder, he could clearly see the slight twitch of his lips. Even when there was nothing between them, there always seemed to be a thick wall. Sometimes he really wondered if that was his son next to him and not just a stranger. He seemed so out of place here, as if he would fit in better anywhere than here. Even in groups of people he seemed distant and lonely. He wanted to help him, he wanted him to feel comfortable and loved, but since the boy was born, he had never managed to break through to him. He followed the gaze of his son, who was passively looking at the mother-son pair in front of them. The laughter of the two resounded through the room, joining the soft murmur of the radio and the cars from outside. Nibori's green eyes sparkled in the light of the room lamp, radiating openness and confidence as the positive feelings seemed to light up the entire room. He laughed as he slowly pushed his mother away from him, who was still trying to make him more presentable. Then he looked up and he saw his little brother, waving at him with a smile and giving him a thumbs up. Kenta barely reacted, his eyes remained cold and unwavering, and he didn't move. Only his hand twitched briefly.

A New Start -Bnha x NarutoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon