Chapter 14

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Screams bounced off the walls of the interrogation room. The prisoner writhed in his bonds, tossing and turning, his throat hoarse, as more shrill screams pierced through the room. His eyes wide, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat. A gruesome image. Souta, who was standing behind a glass window, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Even through the walls one could hear the screams.

Suddenly the man next to the prisoner, the Mindquirk specialist, jerked and stumbled back. He yelped, blood flowing from his eyes, ears and nostrils. He crouched on the floor, making pained sounds. Beside Souta, someone had jumped up to run into the room and help the man. Breathing heavily, he straightened up, his weight more on his helper than carrying it himself, as he was hoisted onto the nearby chair. Souta frowned, the bags under his eyes becoming more pronounced. Slowly, he walked into the room as well. Suddenly, the prisoner's screams died away and he hung limply in his bonds as saliva, tears and snot ran down his frozen face.

Souta rushed to him and tried to shake him awake, but a hand stopped him.

"Don't even try it" the black haired man gasped and straightened up a bit in his chair, only to groan and hold his head with one hand. "Fuck" he hissed and someone else offered him a glass of water, which he excreted without hesitation. After a brief pause, he looked Souta in his green eyes.

"He's gone" he brought out with a heavy breath and propped himself up on the table in front of him.

"You mean..." he was answered with a nod, and Souta suddenly looked another ten years older. Sighing heavily, he dropped into another chair and rubbed his temples.

"Do you have something?" he asked, tired, so so tired, he just wanted to get up and run away.

"I saw him," his partner muttered, and he faltered. If he continued to ask now and got the answer he expected, he would have to order to move out. He wouldn't. Not after the last time. He didn't want to send more to their deaths. Like a general sending his soldiers to war. He knew that casualties were normal in his work, but no one had prepared him for such a thing. He just wanted to get away, to leave everyone behind, for the first time in his life he hated his position as the police head.

He took a deep breath and then looked at the black-haired man. "What did you see?" he asked, mentally preparing himself for what was to come.


"Where's dad?" asked Nibori as the small family including Midoriya sat at the table eating dinner.

Misaki smiled tensely "He's still at work. It seemed important. He probably won't be coming home today" she replied and Nibori nodded silently. It was always like that lately. Always one person would be missing at the dinner table, every time Nibori would ask where he was and it would be Misaki who would have to explain to her son that his father had something important to do at work. It was always the same. The mood was thick and the red head pushed his food listlessly back and forth on his plate.

He didn't want his father to stay at work, he wanted him to come home and smile at them again. When was it that the wrinkles on his face became so deep and the circles under his eyes so dark. Why did he always have to sit there as if the world was weighing on his shoulders, as if he would drown at any moment. When had he started looking so broken? He wanted to cling to him and tell him to stop leaving, that he didn't want to watch him slowly perish in front of him. But he was a grown man, he told himself, he was already too old for that, he repeated inwardly. And that's why he didn't say anything, watching his father suffering from something he had no idea about and trying to give him a smile to at least somewhat make the shadows disappear.


"I saw a person just before I was thrown out of his consciousness. It was only brief and the memory is blurry, but one thing is still clear. Golden, snake-like eyes which looked at me so cold and deadly that it ... sent shivers down my spine" he told, his eyes wide as if reliving something and he shuddered.

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