Chapter 1

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Who would have thought that Orochimaru, one of the three and also the last Sannin, genius scientist and seal master, short-time teacher of Sasuke Uchiha and someone who survived three shinobi wars, made such a serious mistake.

He was not someone who cursed often, but at the moment it seemed quite appropriate.

In a breakthrough for his lifelong goal of immortality, he had thought he had finally found the right way. It was a complicated seal that had taken him months to figure out completely. Many components came from old texts he had collected over the past decades, and it had taken him forever to determine that the seal would not collapse and destroy everything around it when he used it.

It had taken him a whole day to write the huge thing on the floor of a gigantic underground hall, despite his bizarre speed.

Why he liked dark caves lit only by torches, he himself didn't quite know. Everyone already thought he was crazy, and the fact that he also loved underground hideouts didn't make it any better. His fondness for these dark holes became his downfall when, after 56 hand signs, he started to activate the seal and at that very moment the earth started to tremble and pieces of the ceiling fell to the ground, falling on his hard-worked seal and smearing the bloody runes.

The rest could be imagined. The already activated seal could not be undone, it went out of control and before the Sannin could do anything, he was already pulled in by the brightly glowing symbols.

And he ended up in a... dark abyss. He didn't know if he was dead, he couldn't quite tell if his current state was alive or dead, but if death had really taken him, then he had died a pretty pathetic death. He wondered how much his seal-became-black hole had absorbed, but in the end, he couldn't care less. Who knows, maybe it was eating its way through the Land of Fire, ravaging everything in its path while the shinobi were all wiped out. Or maybe it had just sucked him in and lost his energy afterwards. Or maybe it had just blown up and destroyed the forest above.

He didn't know, and he cared very little. He was gone, so it wasn't his problem anymore.


Ok so, he heard voices. No, not in his head, but real voices.

He had been living in some kind of warm cocoon for the last few months, if it had been months at all, his sense of time was shit. He could barely feel his own body, his senses were practically useless and his chakra sensor wouldn't work either, but it was... warm. Warm and cozy and even if he wanted to deny it, he felt comfortable. Until one day he started hearing things and his body started moving on weak commands from him.

The first thing he could hear was a heartbeat. A damn loud heartbeat. And shortly after that he began to perceive voices, very faint and whirring, as if through a thick layer of cotton. He couldn't make out a word, but what mattered was that he heard after he didn't know how much time.

And actually that was also the time when he could imagine what was happening to him. He was a little baby, in the womb of a woman. He was about to be reborn. It was fascinating, really, if he had had the chance, he would have written everything down and tried to figure out the reason behind it, but unfortunately he was stuck here. It was really too bad that it was he who was sucked in by the black hole, because now his possibilities to do anything had narrowed down quite a bit.

His curiosity was eating him up and he could hardly wait to get out of here. Not that he was looking forward to a painful birth, but to the time afterwards.

After all, the seal he used was a very powerful time and space jutsu and he wondered what exactly had been changed to end up with him being reborn. Had he gone back in time? Taken over someone else's body? Was he in the future or in the past. Was it related to the soul, chakra, or something completely supernatural? He had dealt with the Shinigami often enough to know that none of this could be his doing. Not without an offering, anyway, and in general Orochimaru didn't think he was the type to give someone a new life in such a way. Although the Shinigami's way of thinking could hardly be compared to that of a human being, and in the end that was all the Sannin was. A human being. He had died like one and was now reborn with unknown consequences.

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