Chapter 15

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Orochimaru had made himself comfortable in his office. Every minute, one of his shadows came running in to tell him about the preparations.

He had closed the access to the lower levels and the basement cellar and secured it with seals. All the necessary things and documents were also moved there or to the hiding place where his fosterlings were.

If he was honest, he had fun with the whole thing. His lair was his area of control and the moment the enemy stepped foot inside it would be the end of them. The place was a deadly laberynth and now with the battle imminent, he had taken the sweet time to expand all that nicely once again. Actually, this attack was aimless from the start. They wouldn't find anything, except for a few deliberately placed test objects that Orochimaru would have disposed of either way.

After a little brainwashing, he had them all chained up in various rooms throughout the entire hideout. Once again, it was his gain that heroes did not kill. They would be so focused on protecting the test subjects and getting them out safely that they would neglect their own defenses.

Eventually, the whole thing would become a slaughter. It would be a pain to get rid of all the blood, but he was not the person to clean up afterwards. His little army was good for more than a little spying and fighting. It would take a while for the hideout to be unblocked, but he was sure that after the fight they would just do simple investigations and then after a few weeks seal the whole thing so that no more people could get in. Blowing it up would be too dangerous because of the nearby residential area and generally not allowed for many reasons.

So all he would have to do himself was to wait and then set up his base there all over again. None of the officials would think that there was still activity in a sealed and externally monitored cave. But he could simply teleport. Especially not only himself, but also three of his shadows. Teleportation quirks were rare, but not if you actively searched for them. He knew everything about his opponent, while others had to venture to the front with minimal information. It was almost too easy because it was so simple to see through their whole situation. The opponent simply didn't know what kind of level they were dealing with here. It would be their demise.

Now that he thought about it, couldn't he just keep a few with interesting quirks and save them for later? Surely no one would notice the few missing bodies.


"The higher ups have given us the clear for the operation. Pro heroes from the surrounding area and number 2 Pro hero Endeavor have arrived to assist. The surrounding area has already been secured."

Souta listened urgently to the reports. His finger tapped on the tabletop at a steady pace. His brow furrowed.

"Any signs from the hideout?" he asked, and the man in front of him shook his head.

"Nothing. No one has gone in, nor has anyone left the area."

"Ok you can go" with a wave of his hand he dismissed the man.

None of this was adding up. Orochimaru was definitely a cautious man, observant at that. He should have noticed long ago that things were a bit more turbulent within a five kilometer radius of his hiding place. The whole idea of this plan was to surprise the assassin, but if you asked Souta, the man already knew what was going on. In reports he had read how it was almost impossible to follow him, because he always disappeared after a while and also the direction in which he went were seemingly random. He had always known that he was being watched and it was unlikely that he didn't know it now. So why hadn't he acted? Had he locked himself in his shelter? Was he afraid? Or did he want them to come and was just keeping the way clear for them?

He could already feel the headache coming back and leaned back in his chair. Once again he had hardly been able to close his eyes during the night and once again he felt as if he would fall over at any moment. His nerves were on edge and his stress was through the roof. Again he sighed and rubbed his face.

A New Start -Bnha x NarutoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin