Chapter 23

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They were led to the locker rooms, given time to change, smack their stuff into temporary lockers, and then they all gathered outside where they were given numbers. His was 23.

They were 53 kids, all completely different, yet with the same goal. More or less. Orochimaru was just here to break the spirits of little kids and get a high school so he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

It was more like a little field trip day in his eyes as he calmly stood among the serious or nervous looking children. His eyes scanned through the rows, analyzing the people standing around him.

A teacher stood in front of the group of students, Present Mic as he introduced himself. Orochimaru knew this hero, Midoriya had talked about him often enough to know half of the man's career backwards. But who would have thought that his voice would be even more annoying in real life than on the radio broadcast.


It was to be noted that the volume was absolutely excessive. They might be a group of 53 children and they were standing outside at a certain distance from each other, but that didn't mean they were deaf. In any case, Orochimaru wasn't deaf, he couldn't say anything about the rest.

He was randomly assigned to a group, and his fellow peers just eyed him critically before continuing to stab each other with their gazes. It was like throwing hostile shinobi into a pile and telling them not to kill each other. Only in a very downplayed small version. It was still funny to watch.

The first team took off, and from his position he could only see their ever-shrinking backs as they tried to hinder each other from running. They probably didn't even realize that they were only slowing down themselves.

A few minutes later, Orochimaru's group was called out and they lined up neatly. The sannin had decided to take it easy. He would not put in one bit of effort.

"ARE YOU READY?!!" asked Present Mic loudly from the sidelines, but besides nods he got no other responses.


A shrill sound rang out across the field and on command, five of the six kids pushed themselves powerfully off the ground and shot forward.

Their muscles strained, dirt swirled with each step, and quirks activated. Heartbeats quickened and breathing picked up speed as they forced their legs forward faster and faster. The first obstacle came into view, a simple hurdle. They picked up speed, the first sweat forming on their foreheads, and prepared to take a leap over the debris that had been placed in their path when

suddenly their muscles went limp, they tripped over their own feet and crashed to the ground.

Orochmaru laughed faintly as he slowly strolled across the field. A small group of white snakes crawled towards him and disappeared into his skin. He grinned down at the children, who stared angrily at him from their position on the ground. Some tried to get up, only to collapse again like a newborn calf.

He could hear Present Mic's rushed shouting in the background, but paid it no further attention. He took his time as he passed through the obstacle course. The snake venom was quite potent, non-lethal and basically without side effects, but it should immobilize them for the next two to three hours. It was unlikely that any of the kids would be resistant to the venom, so he wasn't worried about them suddenly showing up again. So he had a clear path and a leisurely walk.

About half an hour later he crossed the finish line and number 23 was loudly declared the winner. As he walked back, critical looks were thrown his way. Poison was apparently not quite so heroic, but the Sannin shrugged it off.

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