Chapter 12 - Affection

Start from the beginning

"You are whinier than I had thought, Liam."

That shut me up. We arrived a few minutes later at an open, empty parking lot, except for only a few enthusiastic hikers, for we were in the middle of the woods. Erik leaned over my side to push open the car door and then got out himself. It was chilly outside, there were still a thin mist in the air that clung to my clothes fast. I hugged myself and went to the open trunk of the car, where Erik stood.

He was taking out some different boxes filled with what looked like food out of a backpack. My tummy grumbled to remind me of how hungry I was, which Erik apparently heard, since he sent me a pointed look.

"What? You didn't let me eat any breakfast!" I grumbled at him.

"Come sit here", he pointed to the edge of the trunk.

I sat down on the cold floor of the trunk and looked up at him with a questioning look. He opened one of the boxes of food, picked up a small bit of chicken and held it in front of my lips. I reached up to take it from his hand but he just swayed it away with his other hand. My head finally caught up with his intentions, he wanted me to eat from his hand again!

"For real? Not this again! I'm not going to eat from your hands!" My voice rose together with the redness on my cheeks. There weren't many people in the parking lot but it was still embarrassing. It wasn't that I thought that I didn't like when he did that, or i don't know, but it was still embarrassing when he would do it in public.

"That's fine." He answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Wow, I didn't think it would be that easy to shut you up."

Then the look on his face turned mischievous and he threw the delicious bit of chicken into his own mouth.

"Wha- Stop! What the hell!"

He leaned over to my ear, close enough to give me chills, and whispered; "You are not getting my mom's appetizing chicken if you don't cooperate, sweetie."

His words burned with satisfaction and melted me into a puddle. My eyes turned down to the ground and I couldn't think, much less talk. How is it possible for a person to be this persuasive?

I growled lowly, so did my stomach. I was so hungry!

"Okay, fine! Do what you want, I need to eat!"

He smiled a genuine smile for the first time and brought a piece of chicken up to my mouth again. I chewed it hesitantly at first but when he continued to give me pieces I ate them a lightning speed. The box was emptied too fast, fast enough that I was still considering licking the chicken juices off Erik's fingers. Although, that would probably make him way too pleased with himself.

I reached up with my hand to check if there was anymore in the box with chicken and remembered just then that my nails were painted. I immediately pulled back my hand, but it was too late, Erik had seen them. I put both of my hands deep in my hoodie-pocket anyways and turned my eyes down to the ground.

Why would I have to have painted nails today? Couldn't I have remembered to take the polish of this morning?

In the middle of my self-pity Erik bent down, grabbed my hands and pulled them out of my pockets against my will. I lifted my eyes and met his confusedly, what was he doing?

Slowly he held up my right hand and put one small kiss on each of my painted nails, while holding my gaze. It was a small gesture, but enough to melt my heart. Each and everyone of his kisses held a confirmation and love that I had never experienced before. I meant that he accepted me for whoever I want to be or for whatever I want to try. It meant that he never would shame me for exploring myself.

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