Turning to look at him curiously, she inclined her head in his direction. "Why do you ask?"

"It's probably nothing, she just seemed to be lagging a little bit."

"You wore them out. She also had a long week of practices. Her school and the girls' dance academy have their holiday shows next week and she has been practicing all the time. I'm surprised she hasn't given you a sneak peek yet of her solo," she said, relaxing back against the cushions and picking up the remote.

"Probably. A good night's rest will do her well."

Turning on the television she found a black and white version of "A Christmas Carol" and rested her head on his shoulder.

Once the movie was over, Huan picked up the remote and asked Lynne,"so how was your week?" As he waited for her answer he flipped through channels before landing on a "South Park" episode. When he didn't receive an answer he looked down and realized she had leaned on the opposite side of the couch and was sleeping deeply.

Glancing at the time on his phone, Huan decided he should probably head back home before it was too late. Raising his arms over his head, he stretched silently and placed the blanket that hung on the back on the couch over Lynne when Josefina hurried into the living room, frantically signing, worry written large across her face.

'Slow down. Slow down. I'm not that quick, Josefina. What's up?' He asked her.

'It's Hannah, she won't stop moving and crying. You're a doctor, please help her!' She finished and tugged him toward the bedroom the two girls shared. The two hurried down the hallway.

When they entered the room, Huan's heart broke a little as he heard Hannah's tiny voice groaning in pain, as tears streamed down her face. "What's wrong Hannah? Tell me what doesn't feel right?" He asked as he dropped by her bed and placed a hand on her forehead.

"I-I-I hurt. Everywhere," she was able to eek out through gritted teeth.

"Can you be a little bit more specific?" He asked as he pulled the covers down from her body, looking to see if anything was out of sorts. "What hurts the most?"

Before he got a response, a tugging on his sleeve by Josefina was followed by a first aid kid with Hannah's name on it being shoved into his hands. Placing it on the bedside table and taking out the thermometer he returned to checking on his little patient. Eventually he was able to assess that she was not running a fever, but in pain that he could not figure out.

"Oh God, what happened?" A flustered Lynne asked as she hurried into the room.

"She's in pain. Josefina came and got me after she noticed Hannah was crying."

"Dammit. I thought I was paying enough attention to her today. She probably didn't get enough fluids and should have rested, she's probably having a crisis."

Huan mentally smacked his head. Hannah had sickle-cell. Once she was in the midst of a crisis, she needed pain relief. Hopefully this time wouldn't be as bad as the last time she had to be hospitalized. Digging through her labeled first aid kid, Huan pulled out the children's ibuprofen and signed to Josefina to go get a bottle of water for her sister.

During this time Lynne had gotten onto the bed and scooped Hannah into her arms, whispering soothing words to the young girl. Hannah's painful moans quieted down as her aunt rocked her and massaged her limbs.

Once they got Hannah to take the medicine and drink a decent amount of the water, her painful groans died down a bit. After a long while of consoling both little girls, they both fell back asleep. Lynne and Huan took turns watching over Hannah for the rest of the night.

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