I Like You, But You Like Who?

Start from the beginning

Cady: Honey, you're laying with your head on the table. Plus, you're actually downstairs talking to me verses in your bedroom playing a video game. Clearly something is wrong.

Ithilien: Momma, I need advice....for a friend.

Cady: Advice for a friend? Who is this friend?

Ithilien: Oh just some random person in school. He's having a really difficult time figuring out a moral dilemma.

Cady: Alright then, what is this moral dilemma?

Ithilien: So there's this new girl in school. And this friend thinks she's really pretty. Like really REALLY pretty. But this friend's brother also thinks this girl is really pretty. And his brother hadn't ever really liked anyone before. But he still really really REALLY likes her. What should he do?

Cady: *blinks* Oh...well, I think this friend should decide exactly what means more to him. Either way, one of...these mystery brothers that I definitely don't know—is going to be sitting back and letting the other be happy.

Ithilien: That's the best advice you got? Either sit there and steal your brother's first crush away from him—or sit back for the rest of time with a strained smile and a stabbing pain in your heart every time you see her, being forced to remember it's no one else's fault besides your own that you're lonely?!

Cady: Ithilien, it isn't just up to you and Raph—

Ithilien: It's not me and Raph!

Cady: Sweetie, you're not as smooth as you may think. I'm a Mom...I can see through more things than you think I can. —anyway, it isn't up to you or your brother who this new girl chooses. Just because one of you stand back and allow the other to ask her out...doesn't mean it's going to be a happy ending.

Ithilien: I know that, Momma! She isn't property! I'm just saying if...I let Raph have his shot with her...what does that mean for MY feelings for her?

Cady: *places her hands on his cheeks* You'll have your whole life to figure it out because...baby, you two are only in high school. I had this same talk with Clara. Everything is going to be okay—even if it doesn't seem like it. Life has a funny way of working...but whatever happens...will be what's best, okay?

Ithilien: *sighs* Okay. So what you're saying is...because whatever ends up happening is what's best...then that means I can go after Skylar as much as I want! Because if it works out...then it's what's best!

Cady: —Is that what I said?

Ithilien:  —Yes! You're the best, Momma! *hops up from his chair, kisses Cady's cheek, and runs off to his room*

Cady: *blinks* Alright then... *resumes dinner until she feels a tap on her shoulder* Huh? *turns around* Oh, hello, Raph! I'm just making some— *sighs* I can tell by your expression that you don't care...Anyway, what's up, hon?

Raph: *takes a deep breath* ....Help?.....

Cady: Of course, bud. What's going on?

Raph: *shows her a text message he sent to Skylar* "Hi, we met earlier today. Just wanna say welcome to North Shore".

Cady: Okay? It's a nice message. What's wrong with it?

Raph: *looks down at it nervously* ....What..else do..I say?....

Cady: Well first...just wait until she responds. Then just carry on a conversation with her. Wait....um..have you and Theo discussed this yet...?

Raph: *looks at her confused*

Cady: I'm guessing no. Sweetie, Theo was just—

Raph: *phone dings* *jumps startled and starts to panic*

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