Azriel Reaction to human periods (Part 1 of 2)

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The howl of the wind and branch knocking repeatedly against the glass window to the left of the bed was what woke the shadowsinger. His scarred hand lay on the midsection of the beautiful, iridescent girl next to him. She was wrapped up in the thin blanket trying to acquire all the warmth she could on a windy morning. Azriel, the strong and quiet male, opened and closed his eyes many times before realizing it was only dawn. His shadows moved around him slowly as if they had also just awakened.

Azriel shifted his body to the end of the bed ready to get up and start his daily training theatrics when he paused all of the sudden. His massive body, now on his knees, faced Alexandra. It was hard not to notice how the rising sun glistened on her plumpish rose cheeks or how her hair, even though a mess, was perfect in every way. It was hard not to take all these things into account when he smelled the blood.

He shifted so fast even his shadows couldn't seem to catch up with him. He gazed over her body, she was sleeping but the terror in his eyes and thoughts in his head saw her as lifeless and limp. He saw no indication of her being hurt not even a scratch. Trying to be careful but caring if he woke her up, he untangled Alexandra from the sheet that she was so fond of until she laid bare in front of him. He surfaced her body with his scarred hands searching for any sign of blood and he found none. He could smell it with his heightened Illyrian scent, he, unfortunately, knew the smell of her blood well because of the war fought not long ago. 

He began to shake Alexandra violently, praying to the gods that she woke up. Every single possibility of what happened was running through his mind. He needed her to be okay, he needs her to stay with him. Azriel could not lose her, after everything he has been through this would be the final straw that broke him.

"Alexandra!" He angrily almost screamed at her, shaking her uncontrollably. Alex had been a heavy sleeper but he knew something was wrong.

There was a small murmur that escaped Alex's plush lips. Azriel brought his hands to her face trying to wipe away the hair the was in her face.

"Alexandra, please wake up." He was so very relieved when she opened her eyes, squinting now that the sun was higher up in the sky.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" It took Alex a minute, she rubbed her eyes harshly before seeing the terror in Az's eyes and felt the direr concern down the bond, they not long ago formed. She didn't know what could possibly be wrong now but as long as they had each other they would be able to get through it.

" I okay? Are you? I woke up and smelled you. Your bleeding and I can't find the source. I thought you wouldn't wake up, I thought maybe you were gone. I...are you okay? Are you bleeding?" The pain in his eyes could never be hidden from anyone. He frantically talked still searching Alex's body until he flipped her over, ignoring her little scream, he saw a stain of blood.

Azriel's heart dropped, this should not be happening he her of all people.

Midway through Azriel's thoughts, Alex flipped back around and brought her knees to her chest, now seeing the stain of blood on the sheet. "Oh...I'm sorry, I forgot...I'll clean it up, I'm sorry for making such a mess." Alex almost pleaded and stared at Azriel directly with the most apologetic eyes.

"You're sorry? What do you mean? It's your blood, are you okay? Should I call the healer?" Azriel moved closer to Alex, taking in every part of her. Making sure this was real and not just some fantasy conjured up by his mind to fool him.

He needed to touch her, to make sure she was real. He brought his hand to her face and she leaned against it savoring his touch like it was an angel. She was real and that is all that matters. She was okay, she did not seem hurt or injured. She was fine actually as if nothing happened at all. He did not understand what was occurring, why was she bleeding?

"Well I guess it's that time of the month, I am so sorry I forgot." She said dismissively until she looked back at his face and saw a questioning look as if she was a stranger completely foreign to him. "I got my period, mundane things. I am fine just a little sore."

"So you are truly Okay? You're not injured, not dying?" Although he would know if she was greatly hurt or dying down the bond he still had to ask. He would make sure nothing could be contradicted.

"No, silly." Alex shoved Az softly with her arm, trying to lighten the mood, "it's just what we get once a month, trust me you will have to try a lot harder to get rid of me." Alex smiled then her arm moved fast to her stomach as if she was going to throw up, Azriel was tense right away moving even closer to make sure she was alright.

"Are you okay?" The concern still plastered onto his face, as if he had never witnessed a human girl getting a period cramp. In all honestly, he has never been with a human before and such things are foreign to him. High Fae only gets an annually bleeding. Azriel knew how painful that was especially living with Mor for so long.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a cramp, it happens all the time. You learn to get used to it right?" Alex, again joking because she knew that the tension in the air needed to decrease. Azriel was an Illyrian and natural protective. She could feel the overwhelming worry that flew off Azriel down the bond. "I should just hop in the tub, It's fine. Not my first and definitely not my last. The things we do for the greater good of the population."

Az registered the hit of amusement and joking that radiates off of Alex. Still confused he kissed her on the lips, gently but passionately, pulled away, and opened his eyes to stare into the ones of Alex. "I'll start the bath then." He hesitantly got up from the bed, which almost lifted a few inches when he rose because of the weight no longer on it, and walked to the bathroom looking back at Alex on the third step.

Alex heard the water start running and moved frantically to take off the sheets and put on new ones. She was so embarrassed, she never once forgot about her monthly cycle but since she has been with Az, she has forgotten most things. Simple, non-important things that you need to know but won't kill you if you forget. But this, this was one of the things that would kill you. She would die of embarrassment. Azriel didn't seem to mind though, he seemed more worried about if she was okay. Gods. Alex knew what was most likely running through Az's mind when he woke up to the smell of her blood and she could not even fathom what he would do if any of it was true. They were each other one and only. They would be lost without each other.

At that moment Azriel walked through the bathroom door, looked at Alex on the bed, then to the newly made bed, no longer with a bloodstain, and shook his head. Az strutted over to where Alex was only stopping when he was in front of her. He scooped her up as if she was as light as paper and brought her to the tub.

Azriel dropped Alex into the tub gingerly. She gasped a little feeling the scorching hot water against her skin. He was silent, still thinking about all the things that the blood could have meant, taking in that his mate was going to be in pain, and knowing that he could do little to nothing to stop this pain. He wishes he could take it away. He knew the craps would get worse and Alex would most likely sleep in all day, every day for the next week. He didn't care, he wanted to be there for her and she wanted to make her comfortable.

He started pulling his boxers down when Alex gasped, he looked up feeling again sorry for her. He knew that she didn't want her pity because he couldn't do anything and it was the way of life. "Can I join you?" The question was not really a question. It was only for Alex since he was already standing there naked, giving her the full view of his torso and length.

She nodded and slide up, "Please" Alex added because she wanted to be held, needed to be held especially by the ginormous exquisite male before her.

Azriel stepped on foot into the water not even flinching again the heat of it. He settled down with her between his legs, grabbed the soap that smelled like lavender, and started caressing her back.

Alex leaned into his manly hands and tilted her head back until she could see Azriel's face, still not back to normal and filled with worry. She smiled at him both with her mouth and with her eyes, he just grinned and moved closer to her, feeling her back against his chest.

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