Cassian and Nesta Reading and Smut (Part 2 or 2)

Start from the beginning

"I want this. Gods, I need this. Please." Was Nesta's response to his sudden breath. She practically begged him as she brushed her lips against his soft ones as she spoke again, "Most of my time with you, I am either fighting some internal battle, trying to comprehend what goes on in my mind. I don't talk like his Cass. I don't open up. Why am I opening up now? What have you done to me?" A tear rolls down Nesta's cheeks and Cassian wipes it away with his thumb.

He pressed his forehead to Nesta's ass his breathe faltered. The refreshing smell of him wavers in her nose and she smiles. "I don't know. I have no words, that is what you do to me."

Craving, Nesta's traitorous lips crashed with Cassian's, and the rest of her body betrayed her. The disloyalty of her hand as it brushed through his hair, whilst her unfaithful breath became him. Every part of Nesta abandoned her, she could not do a damn thing about it. At that moment, she belonged to him.

His lips parted in dire demand and as soon as his warm tongue flicked against Nesta's, a moan freed from her mouth and linger between them. The flames of past lessons found their way to the front of their minds as Cass's large and warm hands found the bare skin at her sides, warming her in more ways than one. One, being literally, and the other, in her heart.

Cassian pulled away and wet his lips. "I, I'm praying to all the gods that you are not joking with me right now, Nesta Archeron." He said breathlessly. "Nesta tell me you are not fucking with me."

Shaking her head, she could not grasp what he was saying. Here she was, telling him exactly what had been on her own mind mere moments ago. "I don't know what you want me to say." She searched and scanned the question written on his face. "Look me in the eyes, and you tell me if I'm playing with you, Cassian." To tell the complete truth, Nesta didn't know what Cassian would find in the depth of her eyes but she hoped he would find the truth and her eyes wouldn't betray her.

Cassian rested his hand on my face and moved Nesta's hair to look into her eyes. She held her breath in anticipation, waiting for what would come of this terrifying moment. There was nothing there. There could not be. She thought. But once his hazel eyes stared into Nesta's, there wasn't a doubt that he says something. Nesta hoped it was the right thing.

His lips surrender once again and this time was no play, there was no holding back; from either of them. He pulled her on top of him and removed her sweatshirt between moments without his lips on Nesta. In those moments, it was the only change Nesta got to breathe before his lips were back on hers, crashing into them over and over again. Nesta could taste him, smell him, feel his warmth – It felt intoxicating.

Cassian's mouth moved slowly over Nesta's, savoring every intricate detail of her. He was in a hurry, Cass appreciated them together like a piece of art. His long fingers gripped Nesta's hips, and she raked her fingers through his hair as she sucked gently on his neck and behind his ear.
"Nesta, we can't" Cassian breathed with a ragged breath.

Nesta traced the length of his neck with her nose, "Why can't we?"

Cassian flipped her over on her back, so he was now on top of her and settled between her legs. His hard arousal pressing into her as he said, "We can't go any further."

"Your body says otherwise," Nesta smirked. She wanted to go farther. After the war, her father was killed in front of her. She never felt anything with any of the men she brought home. None of them. She could not feel a damn thing. But this, Nesta, felt this. She felt it all the way down to her soul and she wanted this.

He hung his head for a moment, and when his eyes returned to Nesta's, his cheeks flushed and he grinned, never smiled, but grinned, "Around you, my body is a little hard to control. It has a mind of its own."

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