If they know so much about him why can't they kill him?

Her eyes skimmed through the rest of the scroll and made a big sigh. Suddenly, it felt like something was grabbing her feet, hesitantly, she looked down and saw vines wrapping around her feet. Itsuki cut them off with the kunai knife in her pouch located at the side of her left thigh and cut through and ran.

Itsuki pulled out the map and looked around, she was surrounded with trees.

"Hey, wait for me!" A child's voice said in the distance, she walked towards the source of the noise and saw herself, as a small child. Her long hair flew in the air and Itsuki watched herself chase after another small boy, he laughed and jumped.
His hair was a crimson red and his eyes matched. Itsuki's young self caught up to him and pushed him down. "Gotcha!" She grinned, revealing her missing front tooth.

The boy laughed, "I was going easy on ya!" He said, young Itsuki got off him and scoffed, "Yeah right!" She rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Huh? Itsuki. What are you doing?" Young Hayate appeared from the trees and his protective mode was locked on when he saw the red haired stranger.

Young Hayate jumped in front of Young Itsuki. Young Itsuki's heart fluttered like a butterflies wing and she blushed, young Hayate pulled out a kunai and pointed it at the red haired boy.

The red haired boy smiled and put his hands up, "Hey, hey. Don't worry I wasn't hurting your girlfriend." Hayate growled and put the kunai up to his neck, "Girlfriend? Tell me who you are and why you're messing with Itsuki!" He shouted, pricking him with the kunai.

The boy smiled and in a flash knocked out the kunai from young Hayate's hand and slammed him down, young Itsuki gasped and ran over to young Hayate's aid. "What's wrong with you Akane?!" She shouted, young Itsuki helped him up and hugged him.

Young Akane watched the two hug each other for a good minute and turned their attention back to the red eyed boy, "He was just looking out for me..." Itsuki whispered then smiled at him. A big grin formed on young Hayate's face, "Teach me how to do that!" He latched himself onto young Akane's leg.

He smiled and shook him off, "Okay, okay." He walked off and the two kids trailed behind him. Young Itsuki walked right through present day Itsuki and they all vanished.

Itsuki began to hyperventilate, flowers grew from her hair and fell to the ground. She looked down at her feet, watching the petals fall and hit the ground gently kiss the soft green grass before the gentle breeze blew it away. The black haired girl's vision began to blur and she closed her eyes and fell to the ground.

Itsuki gasped and shot up, she was face planted to the ground, she woke up in a flower bed, "What? What's going on." She breathed out and saw the red haired boy. "A-Akane?" She stumbled and started to run towards him, "Akane!" She yelled, her voice reached his ears and he spun around to see Itsuki's tear stained face, panting and catching her breath.

"You've gotten big." He spoke, softly. Itsuki gasped and looked up.
"Are you real?" She asked, her hand caressed his cheek and she blinked twice before pinching herself, "Holy... Am I dead?!" She cried, he smirked and shook his head.

"What drew you to that conclusion?" He smiled softly and she clasped his hands together, "You're dead! I was the one found your body! I saw it, I saw everything! You're face... was so pale... you're eyes were opened, you're bright red eyes were a dim, dark red. Like dried up blood. I had seen everything! I always happen to see someone die, I'm always there..." She responded, he could feel her hands shaking while intwined with his.

 DISCONTINUED 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐌 ; 𝐧. 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐠𝐚Where stories live. Discover now