Goblin town

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I crashed on a rock, then I crashed again, then I fell on Nori's chest ( which was very embarassing but no one noticed it ), then I hitted another stone wall. The dwarves, yelled and sighed as they were bumping to each other unless we finally slided down and ended up on the ground with a one last crash.

" I think I'm dying!" Kili sighed, trying to stand up.
" I do not feel my back..." Fili joined him.
" Well I feel it more than I should. " groaned Bofur.
" You will worry about your backs later, now we have a bigger problem." Thorin pointed to a group of goblins heading to us.
" Arm yourselves !" he cried but hit didn't help at all.

The goblins bounded our hands and leaded us away. I didn't notice Bilbo missing as I tried to remember these creatures and their deeds.
That scum had taken everything from me, my home, my family.

But if they wouldn't, I would never meet Thorin, I would never meet my brothers, Bofur and Bilbo... Maybe I should be thankful... For them, murdering my parents ??? No way !
Still it is not as much their doing as their king's. The Great Goblin.


There was a woman, kneeling on the floor. Devastated, her hair messy, her face scratched, her hands covered with blood and dress that used to be a beautiful gown was now a piece of torn cloth. Opposite her stood that disgusting creature with giant belly and slimy skin, tossing his weapon.

With her last breath, the woman slashed her sword, but the Goblin king was faster. The enormous hammer hitted her head and she fell down, dead.

I shook of the memory, and continued walking the corridor as the goblins sang their " song". Well, it was more like a terror.

We finally stood in front of the hideous monster.
"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" he asked, his voice shrill and loud.
"Dwarves, your Malevolence." one of the servants answered him.

Not just dwarves. I thought to myself and suddenly I felt the strongest courage I've ever had forming in me. This is the day when I'll avenge them. My parents and my people.
"Well don't just stand there, search them! Every crack, every crevice!"
At those a goblin came to me and started searching me.

" Get off your dirty hands !!!" I punched him and tried to escape from his grip.
While I tried to fight the goblin, Bofur and Oin talked about some distant relations.
I hit his head but I was too weak, he stretched his one and teared off my necklace. I reached to stop him but the goblin already stood in front of the King.

" Look what I found, your majesty, doesn't it seem familiar to you ?"
The king leaned closer so he could see it better.
" Thieves !!!" he laughed. " This isn't made by any dwarf ! You stole it !!!"
" No I did not !!!" I cried, the dwarves starred at me with wide eyes but cleared a path for me. Taking my bow, I walked to him, stopped and stood face to face with my enemy of old.

" Who is this girl, who dares to challenge the Goblin king ???" he stood up from his throne.
" I am Nathíniel, daughter of Nandwen and Galadion, the princess of Dhollenbann !" I cried. Where did all this courage come from ? I thought, taking an arrow from my quiver.
He took a step back with a frightened face.
" You were supposed to be dead..."
" But she's not !" Thorin smiled at me and we stood there together.

"Well, well, well! Look who we've got here ! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, king under the mountain." he bowed sarcasticly.
"Oh! But I forgot that you don't have mountain, and you... Princess of Hidepeak, don't have any peak. Which makes you nobody really."
" I may not be the princess of Hidepeak, but I am the princess of the Lonely mountain! Which is ours as much as this place is yours !" I yelled .

He seemed a bit frigtened when looked around. All these walls were build from the ruins of my fallen kingdom.
" How can you , call yourself a king when you build your realm of the dead who died by your hands ?!"
He stood up and in madness cut my hand. I've never been so glad for the archer tapes as I was now. Blood streamed down my arm bur it wasn't anything that would not heal in few days.

" I guess you know this blood very well..." I grabbed an arrow from my quiver and aimed.
" But it won't be just my blood that will stream down these stones tonight !" with those words I released my arrow, which stabbed in Goblin king's chest. With a huge shreik he fell down on his throne.
I did it. I killed him. The enemy of old... He was dead. He was dead !

" Nice job, my flower !" Balin put a conforting hand on my shoulder.
" I've always known that this lass can do more than draw pictures !" Gloin clapped my back.
"Wonderful skills." Dwalin smiled.
Everyone complimented me but I just stood there, without saying a word. It was hard to accept such a victory. But I immediately smiled, when I saw Fili and Kili.

" You were amazing Nathíniel ! The speech, the things about blood and kingdoms..." Fili stood in astonishment.
" And the final shot ! Beautiful ! Look like it stabbed right in the middle !" Kili pointed to the unconscious body of the Goblin king.

" I 've never been so proud of you." A deep voice spoke behind me.
It was Thorin. His blue eyes examined me, his black curly hair falling down his shoulders. He was my king but also a man which I cared for deeply. He hugged me strongly whispering into my ear:
" You are a mighty warrior."
" Thank you Thorin. " I smiled.

" Fili ! Kili..."I threw my arms around them. We were together, everyone was alright, a perfect time to ran away from this foul place.

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