Goodbye Rivendell

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I ran down the stairs and quickly dressed into my travelling outfit which consisted of dark blue dwarvish cloak with a hood, decorated with ornaments, leather breastplate, dark tunic and trousers, I took off my shoes and put on leather boots with fur.

Then I wrapped my hands with a linnen band so I won't hurt my hands when shooting. I grabbed my bow, filled by quiver with long elvish arrows and put my daggers behind it. I almost made it to the gate when a voice stopped me:

" Garo lend vaer muinthel nín." Lindir pulled me into a strong hug.
" Harthon cened le nan nu hen." I smiled, kissed his forehead and run as fast as I could up the mountain so I could catch up with the dwarves.

Before, when we were on our journey, everyone was annoyed by Bilbo being so slow. I would never think that it'll help me now.
" Bilbo !" I gasped for air. " Bilbo stop please !" I tried to breath. It was hard after running all the way up here.

" Nathìniel !" he turned around and ran to me.
" You found us! Here." he handed me a bottle of water and held my shoulder so I could stand and breathe normally.
" Thank you Bilbo." I smiled and gave him the bottle back.

" It seems like you had a lot of stuff to do in Rivendell." he spoke while packing his things back.
" Yes."
" I know that we know each other just for a few weeks now and I propably shouldn't ask you such things but, what's happening here ?"
" Bilbo... It is hard. It really is and..  I don't want you to worry about me."

" What ? No I'm not worrying ! I know you can handle everything yourself, you are... Ehm... Very cabable of... Doing such... Things ? Yeah things."
" No you don't understand and neither do I. "
" Nathìniel, let me help you." Bilbo took my hand and looked to my eyes. They sparkled as he gazed at me. It felt so strange...
" Bilbo I..."
" You don't know how much you mean to me."
" You too but..."

" No you mean to me more than that." his cinnamon eyes shined. I looked down at him, surprised but sad .
" Bilbo... I... I can't."
He stayed silent.
" I'm sorry but..."
" Yes I understand. I'm a hobbit. Short, ugly, scared, what was I thinking ? A woman like you could never feel anything for such a simple man as I am."

" Bilbo it is not like that ! I... Your height is alright and you're not ugly at all ! You should first look at me."
" Nathíniel you're not..."
" You are one of the greatest people I've ever met Master Baggins. But my heart has alredy fallen for another."
" Who is it ?"
" I don't know yet, but I can feel it."

Suddenly a huge thunder broke the sky. Giant raindrops started to fall on the rocks.
" Bilbo !" called a scared voice.

" Fili ???" I cried, running to him.
" Nathìniel !!!!" he showed up from behind a rock and threw his arms around me.
" I thought we lost you."
" Why didn't you wait for me ?"
" We tried to, even Thorin did, but Durin's day will soon come and we cannot linger."
" Right. But I'm here now Fili." I smiled and put the hood on my head to protect it from the rain.

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