Chapter 10- Admiration and Envy

Start from the beginning

"O-Oh. We just wanted to know if he really was, you know?" The man said, scratching his head and letting out a nervous laughter.

"What do you mean "you know"? As far as I know Shinso is a hard working student that has great potential to become a hero." Aizawa said with no hesitation as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, catching Shinso off guard with the praise.

The man stumbled for words, probably realising the gravity of the situation as he tried to answer the pro hero. "Well the news and stuff, we were just, just trying to teach him a lesson know? People like him need to know their place before they go around killing people."

Shinso ducked his head down as he bit his tongue, looking at the ground as he grasped the plastic bag he held in one hand when he heard the man.

Shinso's been referred to as "people like him" quite a lot but it was never a compliment. He didn't know what he did to deserve that label but he knew it was more or less because of his quirk. Shinso hated his quirk.

Eraserhead glanced at the trembling teen before sighing and replying. "You don't have the qualifications to punish or determine whose a criminal or not. I'll honestly bring you to the police station, but I got better things to do then chat with overgrown kids."

Eraserhead turned around to face Shinso as he whispered, quiet enough for only Shinso to hear. "Follow me."

Orders are easy. Shinso can follow that.

With a nod as a response, Shinso trailed behind Eraserhead, the small crowd making way for the pro hero. Even with Eraserhead here though, people spat nicknames at him as he walked by, causing him to bite his tongue harder.

He was pretty sure most of the people didn't know the underground hero anyway. Eraserhead was his favourite hero but he knew how hard it is to get a scoop of information about him, thanks to his profession.

It was the sports festival Shinso watched when he was just 4 that led him to even consider the man as a role model. After all he basically fought quirkless, yet beat the entire hero course students when he was just a general education student. What's there not to admire about?

He felt embarrassed that he was acting so childishly, so weakly, in front of the man that inspired him to be a hero. He should of willed his legs to move away, not use someone's help.

Shinso followed the man though, hiding behind his ragged black outfit as the people's voices faded gradually becoming a distant murmur in his tired mind.

They stopped below a street light, after getting considerably far away from the people. Eraserhead then took out a handkerchief and handed it to Shinso who stared at it hesitantly, not knowing why Eraserhead would give him one, until he instructed Shinso to wipe the brown drink poured over his head with it.

"Thanks Eraserhead." Shinso mumbled, gratefully taking the cloth and wiping the liquid on his face and hair. He'll have to wash his hair, but he can deal with that later.

"Call me Aizawa." The man answered, putting his hands in his pockets as he shrugged and looked at Shinso blankly.

Shinso nodded. "I'll wash it as soon as-" "That's not necessary. You can throw it, or keep it if you want. I have plenty more." Aizawa interrupted.

Why would he give something for free? It didn't make sense to Shinso, but not wanting to anger the pro, he said nothing and proceeded to put the wet cloth in his pocket.

"Sorry." He apologized putting his hand on the back of his neck, and didn't dare look at Aizawa's eyes, too scared to see the probable disappointed and shame it'll hold.

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