The Golden Girl - Part One

Start from the beginning

"George!" Hermione whispered under her breath.

"What?" Fred responded indignantly next to his brother. "Snakes don't have ears, he had to do something to get her attention."

"Do you want me to do something?" Draco asked Jessica, and Crabbe and Goyle started rolling up their sleeves to prepare for a fight.

Jessica resisted the urge to turn around and be met with Fred's anger and disdain. In that one look, she knew her heart would break all over again, and she hadn't even pieced it back together yet. She was sure they were all giving her the same look. Harry, George, Ginny. Everyone. Even Hermione. Yet she would've taken every metaphorical dagger she received from them for real if she could make Fred not look at her that way.

The way she saw it, Jessica had two choices: to say yes and create a scene, giving them all evidence that she was indeed who she thought she was, or to simply say nothing. She had to make a split-second decision, and she knew what she had to do.

Nothing hurt pride more than being ignored.

"I want food. I'm starving," she said casually and shrugged her shoulders. "Come on, Draco."

Draco placed his hand on her back, smirking proudly as he walked her away, which left Fred and George seething. They called out something, but she was too far into the crowded hall to hear it.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, Clarke," said Draco, "but fucking hell, I like it. About time."

"Aced it," Theo whispered in her ear as they sat at their table, "I know you didn't want to, but you should've seen their faces. They totally thought you were going to come grovelling back."

"If I ever doubt you when you tell me something in the future, please just jinx me or something," Jessica told him, "because you've been right from the first time I met you."

"Don't worry," said Theo as he playfully punched her in the arm, "I will. If you do it again, I'll think you're mentally deformed because, yeah, I'm always right."

Walking past the Gryffindor table that morning was the last time she would do it for a long time. Over the next month, Jessica finally felt like she had arrived at Hogwarts. Her grades skyrocketed thanks to being surrounded by the Slytherin's work ethic all the time, and she was soon in the top percentage of students in her year. Her favourite subjects were quickly becoming Charms and Potions, in which she was favoured by her professors Flitwick and Snape, and coincidentally, these were the two classes where she and Draco beat Hermione to first place. Both of them were greatly satisfied with that.

On the Quidditch pitch, she earned the title of Slytherins 'Golden Girl', a phrase Lee Jordan used to mock her after Adrian had said it in the first match. Lee's friendly commentary towards her had been put to a swift end, and she had become instead his favourite target for snidey comments now that Fred and George had told him everything. It didn't bother her, though; he could make all the comments he liked, but it didn't impact the result of the match. Hufflepuff didn't stand a chance in their second game of the term, and thanks to Jessica's improved relationship with her fellow chasers, Slytherin won with a 200-point lead.

On the pitch was not where her fun stopped, however, as she realised Hogwarts had much more to offer than ginger twins in Gryffindor robes.

With her Weasley blinkers off, she was free to explore whatever and whoever she wanted. At first, it started with allowing herself to accept flirtations from Adrian Pucey with a tactical response. Then she tested the waters by playfully giving Roger Davies from Ravenclaw a wink when he handed her a library book off the top shelf. With each flip of the hair and touch of the arm, she grew in confidence, and she was glad to see that her position in the Inquisitorial Squad made her more alluring to those wanting to tame her rather than making her a reject. They all could've possibly been trying to get on her good side so that they could escape punishment, but she didn't care. It was fun, and it was power. Her nights and mornings were once again filled with sneaking around in broom cupboards, and with every body touched and set of lips kissed, Jessica became drunk with the empowerment it gave her.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now