One Step Foward, Two Steps Back

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Fred looked down at Ron and poked him in the sore spot, causing him to moan in pain, "great aim as well J, I wouldn't want to be Ravenclaw today."

"What are you all doing here?" Jessica asked them, then thought about it for a moment and panicked, "did anybody see you guys come in here?"

"We slipped in to say good luck of course," said Hermione as she grabbed her in for a hug, "Fred and George distracted Madame Hooch so she didn't see us come in here. Are you nervous?"

"A little bit," said Jess as she patted her on the back and broke the embrace. It wasn't Madame Hooch she was worried about seeing them. "I'm doing alright in practice but I have no idea what I'm going to be like in front of a crowd."

"No need to worry mate, what's the worst that could happen?" asked George as he fist-bumped her arm in support.

Jessica fidgeted with her fingers, remembering the very realistic dream she had last night. "I could get hit by a bludger and be left in a coma for weeks," she replied.

"Ah well, that's only happened to a few people so I wouldn't worry about it," said Fred and Hermione shot him a look.

Jessica knew he was just trying to make her laugh.

"A bludger nearly killed me once in second year," said Harry who was standing at the back of the pack. Everyone turned round to look at him, and Jess thought he looked like he was in a world of his own. Ginny clicked her fingers in front of him and he snapped out of it, attempting a smile. "But uh I'm sure that won't happen to you Jess," said Harry, scratching the back of his head, "unless you happen to have a house-elf that wants to send you back home because there's a killer snake on the loose."

"Really Harry?" Hermione whispered to him.

"Okay you've never told me that story," said Jess, a little bit more worried now than she was before.

"Ignore him," said Ginny, nudging Harry in the arm, "you're fine, and if a bludger comes towards you the beaters are meant to knock it away anyway."

"Yeah if Crabbe and Goyle can remember the difference between left and right and don't accidentally aim it towards you instead," sniggered Ron. Fred hit him on the back of the head to shut him up.

"You'll do great, and we'll be cheering for you no matter what," Ginny continued, rolling her eyes at her brothers incompetence to read the room.

"Only your goals though, no one else's," Fred stated to the group, "we're still in competition after all."

"Oh we've also got you something as well!" said Hermione, pulling a small pack of letters out of her pocket, tied together in a string, "Fred and George got these attached to their letters in the owl post, but they're addressed to you. I guess they didn't want you to receive it at the Slytherin table, there's quite a few."

Jessica took the pack of letters from Hermione. There was five in total, and the top one was Mrs Weasley's handwriting. If her intuition was correct, there was a letter from each of her teachers from the Order. Jessica looked at Fred, who appeared suspiciously happy with himself.

"There was also this," said George, who brought out a hidden package behind his back. It was a long thin object that got wider at the end. Jessica was surprised that she hadn't noticed it before, though George was quite tall.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to open it in front of them," said George nodding towards Ron and Harry, "they're too impatient."

"Hey you and Fred were the ones who wanted to open it until Hermione took it from you," Ron argued back.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora