"Why are you angry?"


"Its written all over your face."

Suigetsu looked at his friend and then smirked.

"Heh...it's just...its funny to me that you can ignore Karins feelings while doing all of this...I mean...Sakura isn't that different from Karin."

Sasuke stiffened up and made a ticked expression on his face.

"Huh? I thought you were in love with Karin?"

"I am...however, I put her feelings first...and those feelings are for you."

"Suigetsu....I dont like this."

"honestly...I dont like this either..."

The two sat in the dead silence until Suigetsu spoke again.

"Haha! Whatever if you like Sakura then go for it! I'm not gonna stop it!"

Sasuke looked over at the smiling boy and frowned.

For the past week the two boys wouldn't even look at each other. Everytime Jūgo and Karin asked what's happening they would shrug it off.

Soon they got over it and started talking again....until sasuke walked over to the lunch table.

"Yo guys." Sasuke greeted.

"Hi sasuke-kun..."

Karin and everyone else froze when they saw sasuke wrapping his arm around Sakura. Suigetsu gritted his sharp teeth in silence.

"Hehe excuse me..." Karin left to the hallways while Jūgo sat there confused.

"Tch!" Suigetsu ran past the couple.

Sasuke awkwardly sat down with Jūgo and Sakura. Not long after Karin came back while suigetsu dragged himself back.

They all talked but with tension in their throats.

"So Karin! It's finally nice to meet you! Now you'll have a girl to hang with!" Sakura beamed.

Sasuke and Suigetsu looked at Karin who looked like she wanted to cry.

"Oh yes of course!...Sasuke-kun, I'll be rooting for you and Sakura-chan!" Karin smiled.

Sasuke smiled and nodded as well. Suigetsu lookes at him them back down at his plate.

After school

"Oi Suigetsu..."


"...can you stop giving me dirty looks."

"It's kinda hard not to you know...I mean why don't you tell Karin off instead of  shoving it all in her face?"

"Its not like that!"



"SO DISTANT FROM US! IF YOU REALLY DON'T WANNA HANGOUT THEN JUST SAY IT! we'll leave!....hell you can fucking leave!"

Suigetsu grabbed Sasuke's collar.

Suddenly a group of lowlife people walked up to the two. Since it was the end of school, the boys were walking together.

"Oi! It's that little kid again!" One of the guys said.

"Yeah the white haired one! Oi ya lil punk! Let's teach you a lesson."

Suigetsu felt his feet leave the ground as one of the men held him up.

"Sasuke help!"

One of the guys turned to sasuke and smirked.

"If you leave now, we won't do anything to you."

Sasuke looked at his friend then at the ground.

"You were the one who said to fucking leave..."

Sasuke turned around while suigetsu felt his whole body shut down.

"Dont do anything too harmful..."  Was the last thing sasuke said before turning to the next block.


Suigetsu was beaten and left to crawl himself back home.

Sasuke was at home as he started to tremble.

"Why...why didn't I help..."

"Hes my friend....even though he put up with me...I can't stand the fact he doesn't like Sakura...I need to apologize."

The next day

Sasuke made it to his first class where he saw Suigetsu with a black eye and a bandage on his cheek. He then saw Jūgo and Karin with him.


"Dont ever come near us ever again! Can't you see you've done enough..." Karin made an angry face with tears in her eyes.

Sasuke slowly backed away before running off.

From that day on, team Taka had dissolved....


Thanks for reading!

Cya luvs (◠‿・)—☆

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