hangout with me Sakura...

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The next day

3rd pov

The skies lacked color like the face of Sasuke's. He sat in his last class before his break. Since he usually hanged out with Sakura and her group he never hung out with others. The only other person he'd go to was Naruto.

After the bell rang he felt immediate stares wash over him. People that were close to Sakura and Naruto couldn't stand him in the same halls as them. He wanted to turn around and shout at them, but he also felt that he wanted to do the same thing to himself.

Naruto isolated himself away from Sasuke and the others. Hinata was very upset with Naruto and wouldn't talk to him after Sakura telling her what had happened. He would often eat his food with his father in the classroom.

Sakura sat in the cafeteria with her friends.

"Sasuke is such a dick! He doesn't deserve you at all!" Ino spat while ten ten agreed.

"Lets beat him up after school!" Temari demanded. Sakura didn't say a word. Instead she held her head down. Suddenly, sasuke walked inside the cafeteria. As soon as Sakura laid her eyes on him she got up and left.

"Huh? Sakura where are you going?" Ino asked.

"...outside for some air..."

The rooftop

Sakura looked at the beautiful view of her city. Wind was slowly picking up, but just enough to blow her hair.

"Yes...Sasuke is a jerk...but...were we even happy at all?...was this somehow my fault as well?" Sakura asked herself.

Sakura then felt a nudge at her arm. She looked down to see a juice box. The pinkett then looked up to see Hinata blushing nervously.


"Here! I-I saw that you didn't have anything to eat, or drink s-so I-"

Hinata felt a hand brushed hers. Sakura smiled at her as she took the juice.


Hinata wanted to die from her warm smile. The shy girl bowed her head as she walked next to Sakura.


"So what?"

"Whats on your mind? Are you okay?"

Sakura looked at hinata and then at the view.

"Honestly...I'm so confused...of course I'm sad....but I felt like this would someday happen..."

Hinata turned to her confused.

"What do you mean by that?"

"...I knew that one day...we'd fall out of love....I tried to prevent that from happening by keeping him all to myself...that just resulted into arguing and fighting all the time." Sakura paused and giggled.

"I thought that maybe one day we'd get married and have kids...Our kids would become close with yours and Narutos...all four of us would grow old together...but now...that will never happen..." Hinata couldn't bare seeing sakura's tears forming.

With no hesitations, Hinata grabbed Sakura hands and went closer.

"L-Lets hangout!"


"L-Lets go somewhere after school!"

"Are you sure? This ain't out of pity right?"

"N-No! I genuinely want to hang with you!!!" Hinata blushed. Sakura felt her heart skip a beat as she nodded.

"Okay...lets meet at the gates..."


Time skip

Sakura patiently waited for Hinata to meet her at the entrance. She avoided Ino and the others so they didn't bother her about Sasuke.

"SAKURA-CHAN!" Hinata yelled out. Sakura softly smiled and waved at her.

" where are we going?" Sakura smiled. Hinata paused for a second to blush at the idea of this 'date'.

"Oh! me!"

Market stands

Sakura followed Hinata everywhere at the market stands. She was confused by all the old people.

"What are we doing?" Sakura asked.

"Just wait and you'll see..."

From a stand to another, Sakura looked around to see how peaceful these people were living. It was different then other parts of the city.

"Okay...Cmon Let's go Sakura-chan." Hinata said while carrying a few bags. Sakura nodded as she followed.

They made it to an old play area Hinata would go to when she was a kid. It was a small hill with two trees standing high. In the middle was a purple hammock attached to the two trees.

"Everytime I was feeling sad I'd come here...Me and my brother Neji would often play here when we were kids. Now a days...I come up her to read or be alone." Hinata said as she sat down on the green grass.

"Its so calm and beautiful Hinata...but...why come here with me?"

"Hehe...So I could show you. Plus there is fireworks tonight here...Its to celebrate all the kind people that live here to take care of the elderly." Hinata explained. Sakura nodded as she sat next to Hinata.

The shy girl then took out her bags. She opened two books with many blank sheets of paper. She then took art materials out as well.

"Huh? What all this for?"

"Lets make a scrapbook...every moment we want to keep we can place it here...just so when we're old, we can look upon our lives."

Sakura looked down at the one Hinata handed to her. It was a light blue color with a pink heart. The paper inside was white. Hinata's was a light pink and purple fade with no heart.

The two started decorating the books,  cutting and gluing things hinata bought into the paper. Hinata had her Polaroid in her school bag. They started taking pictures of those moment.

Sakura made funny faces at the camera while hinata laughed.

"Haha! Sakura-chan stop!"

"Hehe cmon just take the picture!"

"Wait! At least smile for this one!"

"No! That's boring...cmon!"

"I know how to make you smile!"


Sakura was being attacked by being tickled. Hinata laughed as she continued to tickle her.

The two rolled down the hill a little before hinata pinned Sakura.

Sakura laughed so hard that she didn't notice.

Suddenly, Sakura felt drops hit her face. She looked up to see Hinata crying.


"...S-Sakura...Please...Hangout with me Sakura..."

Sakura was astounded by Hinata's beautiful flushed face. The girls long purple hair brushed on Sakura's shoulders.

"...Okay...I will hangout with you..."

Later that night

The fireworks lightened the dark sky with beautiful colors.

Hinata was staring at the sky, smiling nonstop.

Sakura looked over to her as she smiled.

"Thank you...Hinata..."


Thanks for reading!

Cya luvs  (◠‿・)—☆

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