sleepover games

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3rd pov

"Huh? A sleepover?" Kiba said.

"Yup, Hinata texted me and said that we were all invited." Sai explained.

"How youthful! I'm in!" Rock Lee clenched his fists in excitement.

"Okay! As long as there's food!" Choji drooled while his girlfriend Karui nodded.

"Well in that case! Hell yeah!" Kiba smiled.

"What a drag....But I guess I'll tag along." Shikamaru laid-back onto his seat.

"I'm invited people really do care-" shino was then cut off by Naruto.

"Sounds like fun! Let's do this!" Naruto pumped his fists in the air.

" can count me out..." Everyone looked at Sasuke who was right next to Naruto.

"Tch like anyone wants you there anyways-ouch!" Kiba spat while Shikamaru punched him in the shoulder.

"Cmon Sasuke! You promised me that you would do anything with me!" The blond pouted. Sasuke wanted to pull onto naruto's cheek but sadly restrained himself.

"I don't wanna go to Ino's house...."

"Hmph! Fine then I'll just asked someone else to fill in your spot." Naruto huffed. Sasuke didnt like the sound of that so he swallowed his pride and huffed.


"YAY!" Naruto smiled which made the raven happy.

After school

"Alright you guys go home and grab your stuff. Then come over to my house okay!" Ino smiled as she got into her father's car.

Everyone waved her away and started to head home.

"Cmon Naruto, my dad said he has my stuff at your house." Sai said. The blond nodded and turned to the raven.

"You wanna head to my place before Ino's, so we could go together?"

" brothers here so I'll leave first Naru."

Sasuke left Naruto blushing like crazy.

"Are you okay?" Sai looked at Naruto.

"He smiled....And called my Naru..." Naruto said in disbelief.

"Um...he always calls you that."

" only called me that when we were kids." Naruto smiled.

Later that day

"um...Sakura-chan will you be okay?" Hinata looked over to a nervous Sakura.

"Uhhuh! I-Ill be fine, let's just go in!" Sakura stuttered as she knocked on the door. Ino soon answered it and beamed.

"Hey! Sai, choji and his girlfriend are here! Everyone said they'll be here in 20 minutes!"


Both of the girls stepped in and scanned around.

"Sasuke isn't here so we can chill for now!" Hinata smiled. Sakura nodded.


"Is it just me...or you guys don't wanna go?" Sai said as he eyed down Sasuke and Naruto who were too busy lying around.

"Hn...we could just hangout with the three of know like old times." Sasuke said while twisting Naruto's end hairs.

"Hah no way I'm third wheeling for you Ino said we are going...and you know how she gets."

"True...but then again she doesn't like any of us." Sasuke said while Naruto agreed.

"Well you two are not ditching me...besides Naruto...wouldn't want a little DVD case pop out of nowhere..." Sai stared at the blond.

Naruto turned deep red as he jumped away from Sasuke and laughed.


"Wait actually?" Sasuke got up.

"Yes he did just say let's go, so let's go!" Sai smiled.

"Tch..." sasuke glared at Sai.

"Hmph! Are you mad that I just cock blocked you?" Sai grinned which made Sasuke blush hard as he grabbed his bag and walked out the door.

Ino's house

"Eeeeeee! Alright guys we officially have enough players to play kiss, marry, kill!!!" Ino squealed as she dragged in Sai, Naruto, and Sasuke.

Everyone got into a circle with their snacks and beverages.

"So how does this work?" Shikamaru lazily layed his head on his boyfriend Kiba.

"Okay so someone gives you three people that you have to decide whether you would wanna kiss, marry, or kill them...oh theoretically!" Ino blushed.

"What a long as I don't have to get up and move around..."

"Whatever...anyways I'll go first! Kiba....kiss, marry, kill....hehe Hinata, Naruto, and Sasuke!" Ino smirked. Kiba looked the three people and thought for a second.

"Well...I would Marry Hinata...Kiss Naruto, and Kill Sasuke." Kiba smiled at Sasuke while Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Ooooooo!" Everyone said.

"Alright my turn....Sasuke..." Kiba glared at him. Sasuke smirked and nodded his head.

"Kiss...Mary...kill....Naruto, Sai, Sakura?" Kiba attacked.

Everyone got chills while Shikamaru hit Kiba.

"Tch....I would Kill Sai...." Sasuke looked at Sakura then to Naruto."

"....Kiss Sakura...and Marry Naruto."

Everyone looked around to feel the heavy tension in the room. The blond hidden his flushed face as he knew he would be judged.

"....So I guess it's my turn...Sakura..." Sasuke looked at his Ex. Everyone wasn't so sure if they should step in yet.

"Yes, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura looked back at him.

"Kiss, Marry, Kill....Hinata, Shino, And me?" Sasuke glared. Sakura smirked and sat up straight.

"Thats an easy one...I would Kiss Shino...Marry Hinata." Sakura looked at Hinata who was stunned by the answer. Sakura smiled back and then looked back at Sasuke.

"...and...Kill you...."

Sasuke raised his eyebrows and smirked back. Ino felt too much tension and decided to end it.

"Okay!!!! Let's play something else! How about seven minutes in Heaven?" Ino suggested. Most of the couples decided not to play and go hang out on the couches.

"Okay! So that Choji, Karui, Shikamaru, Kiba, and ten ten out. Temari left so that leaves me, Sai, Shino, Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Naruto, Lee...okay! So let's spin the bottle to decide.

"Lets have Hinata go first!" Ino smiled.

Hinata slowly started to approach the bottle and spin it. The glass bottle rotated around and around until it slowly stopped....On Sakura. The pinkett blushed as she looked at Hinata.

"Ooooo! Cmon guys here's the closet." Ino opened her closet.

There was a dead silence besides the already taken people in the back chatting.

"So....are you guys gonna go in?"



Cliffhangers...they could hang your bags, Jackets....and stories!!!

Thanks for reading!

Cya luvs (◠‿・)—☆

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