Chapter Twenty-Two: New Heroes on the block

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Bad things happen when I get mad


All my life, I've never been able to stay in one place for too long. For some reason, wildfires follow me everywhere. And for some reason (according to my parents) I'm always at the scene. You see, I don't try to start fires and cause destruction, but I get angry. Hey, i'm Michelle Jones, and this is my story.

I have pyrokinesis. No, it's not a disease, or a cancer. Pyrokinesisis a blessing and a curse at the same time. This might sound crazy, but with the shit this worlds gone through, i guess nothings crazy...

I have fire powers.


I got a call from Jasmine this morning saying that her Aunt Carol was in town and that she was taking the week off of school. I listened, talked for a bit with her, and then hung up. I started to get ready and walked downstairs to get something to eat.

After I was ready, I walked out the door and said a quick good-bye to my parents.

I walked to the train station and got on to get to school. After I got there, I was already miserable without Jasmine.

A few classes later, Peter Parker dashed out of the room, and Looser Ned told the teacher he had to leave. He rolled his eyes and continued the lesson.

After class, I left the room and walked to my locker and realized I forgot my Algebra book so I walked back to grab it.

Upon entering, I saw Liz and Stupid Ned talking about Jasmine and I.

I said some things I probably shouldn't have, but don't we all from time to time?

All my classes were boring without Jasmine making me laugh.

Around lunch Parker came back to school and gave a note signed by Jasmines dad and Bruce Banner.

My phone lit up and I saw that there was a livestream of Jasmine -well, actually IronJunior- doing a bunch of extremely reckless things. I started mumbling curses under my breath.

Parker said some snide remark about "How did I know IronJunior was a girl" and I snapped at him and said some really mean things...oops....


As I opened my eyes, I realized I was on an examination table. shirtlsss. with Captain Marvel and Mr. Stark looking at me.

"hey kid" Mr. Stark greeted

"mmmmmm" I groaned

"Yeah, that happens. You're lucky you're even here."


"You see" Captain Marvel told me "when Junior was rescuing you, she didn't realize that you don't have an oxygen tank equipped in your suit, and was flying as fast and far away from the...whatever it was....

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., remind Tony to install an oxygen tank in Peter Parker's suit"

"Ms. Captain Marvel ma'am, where is she?" I asked

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