Chapter Fourteen: Another One Bites the Dust

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I'm not even gonna explain italics
Bold=POV switch or authors note

P.S: imagine the song above playing during the three on three "fight"

Peter's POV

My bedroom at the tower is nice. It's bigger than my one in Aunt May's apartment. I have a Bedroom at Avenger's Tower because sometimes I have to spend the night here. Ever since May found out I'm Spider-man and made sure to check that I have my suit and web shooters a million times before I leave the house every day, she's been a lot more permissive.

I wonder what Jasmine's doing right now. Maybe she's thinking of me. I wonder if she likes me back. She's really pretty. Does she dream of me? Wait...what am I thinking? We only met yesterday. I'm getting ahead of myself

As if she knew i was thinking about her, my phone went off with a text from her

Jasmine: heyyyyy
Me: Sup:)
Jasmine: not much, you?
Me: Not much
Jasmine: i was hoping you'd say that;)
Me: Oh?
Jasmine: do you wanna fight in the training rooms or something? nat is asking steve and wanda is asking vision, and no one wanted to fight me. so i figured i'd ask you:)
Me: Hmmmm...That depends...
Jasmine: on?
Me: Are you ready to lose?
Jasmine: oh, in your DREAMS
Me: Uh-huh. Sure. What time?
Jasmine: twenty minutes on floor 7b
Me: see you there;)

yes, jasmine types in all lowercase. i do the same lol

Jasmine's POV

Peter: see you there;)

I almost fall off my loft bed. Nat looks at me like Im crazy and Wanda bursts out laughing. "HE SAID YES!" I exclaim

They both gasp and the three of us squeal.

" I need to find something to wear..." I say. they give each other a look and both push me off my bed. Right before I hit the ground I use my powers to stop me. I glare at them "Not funny" At that they bust up laughing a second time. I roll my eyes and walk to my closet. I hear Nat jump down from my bed and Wanda land gently next to her.

I finally pick something out

I finally pick something out

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do my hair

do my hair

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