Chapter Thirteen: Pajama Dude's Partner

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do i even need to explain italics?
New font unlocked: Bold=POV switch (I will be doing those now) and authors notes.

Jasmine's POV

I walk up to my dads office for the second time in 24 hours. Suddenly (this time it's an accident!) I hear Peter's thoughts. I stumble over nothing (twice and on purpose) to give me more time to listen.

"oh shit. Did I do anything wrong? Does he know I like Jasmine? Probably not...But what if??? He probably doesn't have a problem with it since she's just Mrs. Pepper's assistant..."

A million things are running through my head.

So...he likes me. I never thought anyone would like me. I'm not that special. Do I like him? If i do, should I tell him? Wanda and Tasha are gonna freak out when they hear this. I wonder what my dad wants. He's probably gonna yell at me. Maybe today isn't the best time to try and convince him to start the school year at Midtown. Knowing that Peter goes there makes me want to attend even more. I wonder what we're having for dinner. Oooooh it's Wednesday! It's chicken wing night! Yesssssssss!!! Maybe Loki will wanna bake with me. If he doesn't I'll just ask Thor...

Before I know it, the elevator dings and I'm on my mom and dad's business floor. I sigh and walk to his office and sit down.

Not long after, my dad walks in and sits down.

"So" he begins "how was your night?"

My eyes widen "I-It was f-fine. The elevator w-was a bit uncomfortable t-though..." I stutter.

My dad eyes me suspiciously "uh-huh...well anyway, I'm gonna get straight to the point. I'm assigning you to Queens. You are to patrol with Spider-Man and you are to not ask any questions about him or his personal life. you will not tell him or anyone your true identity. only the Avengers can know." he says sternly.

"okay, but why do I need to help Pajama Dude? He seems to be doing fine on his own. I also need to ask you something"

he sighs "well Jasmine, 'Pajama dude' is getting tired. And lonely. and won't leave me alone. what could you possibly want, Jasmine? You're literally the daughter of the richest and one of the most famous man ever. "

I take a deep breath. "I want to go to school"

His eyes widen with anger "No! Absolutely not! It's too dangerous for you!"

I feel myself getting angry too "why? I'm sixteen! I've been alone my whole life while you're off being IronMan! I can take care of myself!"

he sits back down and sighs "I'll think about it"

it wasn't yes, but it want a no! and that's a small win! "thank you, Dad! You're the best!"

He rolls his eyes "yeah sure whatever you say"

I walk back to the elevator "F.R.I.D.A.Y., 70th floor" I tell the AI

"welcome: Jazz. 70th floor" F.R.I.D.A.Y. says

"thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y." I say as I walk into my room. Of course, Nat and Wanda are there. As soon as I walk in, they look at each other and smirk This won't be good...

"Hey Jasmine" Nat says "How was your night last night"

"Yeah" Wanda chimes in "We heard it was a bit Cozy in the elevator" Shit. I hope my dad didn't see that

"Shut up. Both of you. Did my dad see the footage?"

"No" Nat says with another smirk "but he will if you don't tell us all about your night" I groan. "Seriously?" they nod "fine"

I told them all about my night in the elevator. Occasionally they gasped or awed. As soon as I finished Nat spoke up.

"I think you should ask him to hang out. Or fight in the training rooms. Or anything you wanna do."

"fighting. hmmmm...sounds like a good idea, Nat" I say with a Smirk


A/N: Sooo I've changed my writing style up a little bit. I figured it'd be easier to comment on individual paragraphs. anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

Peace out!

(p.s. a villain may or may not come in the next few chapters😏)

Word Count: 708 words

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