No, Let Me Go

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"What the hell was that?" Michael shouted as she sat down. The tent was much better than the outside.

Somehow in this large main tent, the army found a way to bring a cooling unit.  It was much nicer than other tents. There were heavy boxes in here. She wondered what was inside. Why did they need to bring so much?

"Hell." She put her head on the table.


She glared at him.

"Death is death. If it's your time to die. I can't save you. Your luck your death is in the future still. If you have a problem with what happened. Go back. Leave me alone." Aisling waited on him to say something. He just turned around and left.

She put her head down. She was tired of the government people.

* * *

Aisling followed Michael and some other men through the garage and into an elevator. Michael took her to a large office and told her someone would come to talk to her.

She looked around the office. It was a big office with a large desk. There was a bar at one end and a sitting area at the other end.
An entire wall of windows overlooked down to the street below.

It was fancy and spoke of some big person. Aisling played with her hands. Where is the person?

She looked around in her purse. She pulled out a book and started to read it when the door opened.

A man entered. He dressed in a suit and his blond hair was pulled back. His eyes and grim lips showed his unhappiness.

"Hello," Aisling said scrambled to her feet. The book clutched in front of her.

"Please, sit down." He walked around her and sat down.

His green eyes studied her. She straightened her pants.

"What do you think is going to happen now, Aisling?" the man asked.

She stared at him. The question was a test. She could tell. But how should she answer? Be honest or guess at what he wanted her to say.

"I can go home." She hoped it was possible.

He smiled and chuckled.

"No," he said, "You didn't keep your promise."

"Didn't Michael tell what happened?"

"You didn't even try," he banged his hand. She jumped in her seat.

"You just stood there watching. It's your fault they died. I don't care what death thinks. You could have negotiated. Traded your life for theirs."

No, she couldn't. She bit her lip. She couldn't tell him. Some secrets she had to keep.

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

She shook her head. Nothing she would say would have an impact. She wanted to go home. See how her siblings were doing. Meet her bothers girlfriend again. She wanted to live life with them.

"You don't like to talk. But if you don't talk we can solve the problem. We can't help you."

"Why would I need help?"

"I don't know but there have been some people who are interested in you. Something is going on around you. You have a lot of interested parties in you. Why? Well, we can guess you have to talk to us. Confirm it for us. And then we can help you."

"Help, I don't need your help. And I can't confirm anything unless you tell me what you think is wrong with me. From where I'm I have no problem."

"From where I'm sitting you are have not just a problem but are in big trouble with the law."

"The law. I never broke the law." Aisling stared surprised at him.

"You have." His smile was big as he leaned back in his chair.

"When the others died in the cave. When you were last to come out. We gave you direct orders from the government that you broke."

"This is a joke."

"Ooh, this isn't a joke. We gave you direct orders that you broke. Because it was a federal offense you have a trial and will go to prison."

Aisling felt light head. Was this real? This couldn't be. Mom. Dad. They wouldn't be this.

"Your...your lying."

"This is no joke." He waved his hand.

Two men came in. One grabbed her arm. The pain felt real.

"No, let me go." She struggled out of the grip. She lifted a hand to fight back but the other guy grabbed it.

"And that's another one more year for attacking a federal agent."

"You're insane." She screamed as they pulled her to the door as she tried to kick them.

"No, you have gone insane. And we have enough to prove it. Take her back to her cell. And have the doctor check on her." He said with a smile.

Death: Who Am I     (ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now