10 - Encounter

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     Bakugo laid on his bed thinking about his time spent with Deku in the training room. Sure it was beyond embarrassing, but at least it wasn't anyone else. At least Deku knew how to keep his mouth shut about it.

     The explosion that bakugo created made his arms feel tingly and numb, it kind of hurt. Yet it felt so good to release all that built up anger that was bottled up inside him. In a way, this could be a better alternative to... you know.

     Bakugo's thoughts took over. All he could think about was Deku. All Deku has ever done was help him, and in a way, he felt goddamn awful about it. There was no way he was gonna say that to his face, but what was he supposed to do?

     And then there's Kirishima. Bakugo is grateful to him. Kirishima has been nothing but nice to him ever since they met. And yet all Bakugo does is be a jerk to the both of them. Why is it so hard? Why was it so hard to admit that he needs them both? That they're both the reason why Bakugo hasn't completely given up yet? He needs them both, and deep down he knows he doesn't want to let them go.

     While Bakugo was lost in his thoughts, there was a rumble outside in the distance. It sounded like thunder. He tried to ignore it but it was nonstop and it echoed. He couldn't focus on sleep and he had to train the morning so he decided to take a glance outside to see what was going on. When drawing back the curtains he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but oddly enough he saw Kirishima walking towards the dorm building's entrance gate. What was he doing there? Was he checking out the noise too?

     Hastily, Bakugo got up and put on his shoes. He quietly but quickly ran down the hall and to the main doors. He could see Kirishima through the glass panes, he was walking outside of the dorms' territory.

Bakugo pushed opened the doors, he ran out out after Kirishima, but quietly so he wouldn't startle him. He quietly stood back watching him.

The ground shook hard and the rumbling seemed like it was coming not far from the dorms. Kirishima looked around, he jogged and followed the sound until he reached an alleyway.

"Kirish-" Bakugo started to say. He didn't want Kirishima going out his own, what if it was dangerous? Plus they weren't even supposed to be out at this time of night.

     All of the sudden, he hears laughing coming from inside of the alleyway. It sounded like a female's voice.

     "Woah!" Kirishima dodged out the way. Someone swung a knife at him.

     "Hey! Are you okay?" Kirishima yelled as he regained his balance. It seemed like he was shouting at someone from inside the alleyway.

     "Ahahah!" The was the female's voice again. Bakugo knew that voice. How couldn't he? He couldn't forget it.

     No. Bakugo held his breath. He didn't want to remember her. He didn't want to remember any of them. Why are they there?

     Bakugo shook his thoughts and rushed over. "What the hell are you doing you idiot?! Come on!"

     Bakugo tried grabbing Kirishima's arm to pull him back to the direction of the dorm, but the girl rushed in front and cut bakugo's arm.

     "Agh! Fuck," Bakugo grabbed his arm. Of course it had to be his left one.

     Damn it. She's too fast.

     He knew it. It's Toga. Only she knew how to handle knives like that, and that uniform was unforgettable.

     "Bakugo! Are you okay man?" Kirishima grabbed his arm while giving Toga a menacing glare.

     Bakugo nodded, shutting his eyes, "We need to get out of here, dammit." He released himself from Kirishima's grasp and started to make a run for it.

     "Wait! There's someone in the alleyway seriously injured!" Kirishima shouted and dashed inside.

     "Kirishima! Wait you idiot!" Bakugo started to run after him.

     "Oh! Bakugo is it?" Toga smiled seductively and twirled the knife in her hands. Bakugo froze. He let out a shaky breath. Not her. Not her, shut up. It's not her.

     "I remember you!" Toga giggled and took a few steps back. Her laughs echoed through the night.

     "In fact, I remember that body anywhere," is all she said before disappearing into the city.

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