Evan stared off into the distance in contemplation.

Brandon was taking him to his after-school job at the local crystal refinery. From a young age, Evan had been inspired to create technology and gadgets using Aether crystals. Brandon and his wife both supported his passion, but they told him that if he wanted to create things on his own, he would need to earn the money to buy all the parts and crystals. Initially, Evan complained that they had more than enough money to buy the things he needed, but they convinced him that he would value his work much more if all the work he did was actually his. That meant making the money in order to make the gadgets, and so Evan had chosen to work at the crystal refinery. Brandon knew the CEO of the mining company that owned the refinery, so it was the least he could do to help his son.

He dropped Evan off at the front gate. "See you tonight, bud."

"Yep," Evan said, leaving his backpack in the car. He had already put on his work boots and hat. He fist-pumped the guard that held the gate open for him.

"Try not to steal so many crystals this time!" Brandon yelled, winking at the guard who smiled and nodded back.

He drove to the University where he taught his night class. He had a couple hours to spare before it started, so he used that time to scan through his emails. The first one that caught his eye was a personal email from the Dean. All it said was "When convenient, meet me in my office". It didn't even have her usual signature. He raised his eyebrows. She rarely communicated so bluntly with him.

The walk across campus to her office was filled with anticipation. He knocked quietly on her door and heard the quiet response. "Come in."

Dean Eleanor Warvick's office was wide with bookshelves bordering the windows. A giant clock hung on the wall behind her, and her wide desk was orderly. She was examining some paperwork as Brandon opened the door. Her gray hair was tied in a bun and hear earrings both had tiny Aether crystals implanted in them, giving her face a soft red glow from both sides. Only her eyes moved to look at him above her reading glasses and that was the moment his heart sank.

His mind flashed back to when Marvain had showed him the stack of complaints from his students. This wasn't going to be pleasant.

He managed a casual tone of voice. "You wanted to see me, Eleanor?"

"Yes, please take a seat," she said, motioning softly to one of the chairs in front of her desk. Brandon sat and bent a leg up, putting his ankle on his other knee. He wanted to start a casual conversation, but the way she set the papers aside and straightened her posture gave him pause.

"I assume you have seen the letters I have forwarded to you from your own students," she started, using her tone as though talking to a naughty toddler. "I hope I do not have to explain what this meeting is about."

"Well..." Brandon pursed his lips, looking away. "I did see the outside of the unopened letters, but I have not had a chance to look at them yet."

"Then, just in case you haven't caught on yet, let me enlighten you. Your students hate the way you teach." She looked at him stoically, waiting for his reaction.

Brandon shrugged. "You can't really please everyone. In all honesty, I do the best I can, and I'm passionate about what I teach."

"I understand," Eleanor said, nodding. "But let me repeat myself. Your students hate the way you teach. Not just a vocal minority, nearly all of them. And I don't need to get letters from them to tell. I can hear the gossip in the hallways, I can see it on their faces, and even in some forums online. Yes, Aetheric Mechanics might be on the forefront of science, and yes, you might be the one leading it, but this type of class shouldn't be leaving students discouraged and deflated when they leave the room. I never thought I'd say this, but Brandon you must realize that not everyone is as smart as you, so stop expecting them to be."

Phantom Scythe - Shards of Aether: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now