My eyes wandered over to Hendery who's staring at us coldly. " You're bringing her to your house when you guys just started dating 6 hours ago? " Hwiyoung laughed.

" Do you have a problem? " Hendery asked as he raised his brows.

Thank god the bus arrived just in time.

I dragged Hwiyoung up the bus and we went to the back of the bus. " You're making it so obvious that we have something against them! " I whispered.

" I just have something against Hendery. Jooyeon, not so much. More like I pity her. " He said and I shushed him.

He rolled his eyes, " Why are you scared of him? "

" I just don't want to get involve with him. " I replied and Hwiyoung chuckled.

He looked over at me, " Miss Lee Yulbin, for your information the three of us have been together since we were born. It's too late to not be involved with him. "

I rolled my eyes, " Just leave them alone. " I said and he simply sighed.

When we got to our stop, the four of us got off and we were just walking behind the love birds. " Gosh, I don't know why but their existence just makes me so- " His eyes widened.

" Lee Yulbin, " He looked over at me with a stern look on his face.

I furrowed my brows, " What happened? "

" I realised I didn't curse at you today " He began laughing while I smacked him multiple times because of how annoying he is.

I thought he was going to say something serious because of his expression but I was wrong.

I underestimated Hwiyoung's childishness.

We went back to our own home and I walked up to my room before placing my bag down. " Yulbin, I need a little help. " Donghyuck came in.

" Here. " He placed his book on my desk and I looked over as I solved his question.

I took a pencil and I wrote the workings down before passing it back to him. " Wow, how did you even solve it? " He asked while staring at the workings in awed.

" Cause I'm born smart. " I smiled proudly.

He sneered, " Are you saying I'm dumb? "

I smiled as I ruffled his hair, " Wow you got it! Maybe you're not as dumb as I thought. " He stomped on my toe as he stuck his tongue out at me before running out of my room.

I sighed as I took a fresh set of outfit before taking a shower.

I decided to wash up before taking a nap.

After a nap, I woke up and I heard chattering sound coming from downstairs. I went down the stairs as I rubbed my eyes, " Hi Yulbin! " I smiled slightly as I greeted them.

" How was school? " Hendery's dad asked.

I smiled, " School is fine. " I took a seat in between of Donghyuck and Hwiyoung while facing the love birds.

My mom chuckled as he looked over at Hendery, " I was so surprised when I saw Hendery brought a girl over! When did you guys started dating? " Hwiyoung looked over at me.

" Today actually! " Jooyeon replied.

Hendery's mom smiled as she looked over at Hwiyoung, " Hwiyoung, when are you going to get a girlfriend too? " He shook his head.

" Probably never. " He shrugged.

Hendery's mom chuckled, " What do you think of dating Yulbin? The both of you grew up together! " We looked at each other before gagging.

I shook my head, " I'm pretty sure Hwiyoung agreed with me that we see each other as pests. " He nodded in agreement and they chuckled.

" But is there anyone that you're interested in, Yulbin? " Hwiyoung's mom asked.

I gulped as I looked over at Hendery before looking at Hwiyoung's mom. " Not at the moment. " I smiled brightly.

Hwiyoung chuckled as he leaned back on the couch which his arms crossed. " If there is a guy she's interested in, he probably committed a great sin. " I nudged his waist and he groaned.

Hwiyoung's mom chuckled, " That is why you should never mess with a woman! " She high five me and I laughed at him.

He rolled his eyes, " Are you my mom or her mom? "

" I can be her mom if you choose to marry her. " Before we could react to her statement, Hendery stood up as he coldly looked over at me.

He pursed his lips, " Jooyeon is tired. " He dragged her away before any one of us could say bye to her.

" Now this place is toxicity free! " He whispered to me while chuckling.

I looked over at Donghyuck who's playing his game without giving a shit about what we were talking about. " What are you playing? " I asked.

" Why do you care? " He replied.

I eyed him, " I'm your sister? "

" Since when do you act like my sister? " He scoffed.

I chuckled, " That's true. " I shrugged.

Suddenly, he paused his game and he placed the phone down while the adults were talking. He leaned towards me as he whispered into my ear.

" You like Hendery, don't you? "

23rd March 2021

please recommend me some dramas T^T currently I can't get over Joo seokhoon and Bae rona HAHHA hmu if you love them too!

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