" You should be thankful. I'm gonna be that cool aunt that tells your kids all about your dark past. " I shot him a smile.

Hwiyoung scoffed, " Actually, I don't think you'd have that opportunity. You'd probably be in jail for some lame reasons. " I sneered while he laughed.

While we were walking to the restaurant, I yawned and he smacked the back of my head, " Lee Yulbin, you look like a hippo. " I pushed him away playfully.

I forced a smile, " And you look like shit. " He pointed a middle finger at me.

When we got to the restaurant, I sat next to Hendery and I looked over at him. " Did you see anything you want? " He ignored me again.

" Definitely not you. " Hwiyoung said while laughing and I smacked him on the arm.

When the food are served, I placed a meat on Hendery's plate but he gave it to his mom who's sitting next to him.

I pouted as I took food for myself instead. " Please clear all these stinky ass for me. " He nudged me and I scoffed.

" Stinky ass? They're called prawns! You uncultured barbarian" I said as I took the small bits of prawns over.

Donghyuck eyed me, " I doubt I'll ever have nieces or nephews. " Hwiyoung and Donghyuck began laughing together while saying shit about me.

After we're done with our food, we went back to the hotel. I laid on my bed after washing up, and I fell asleep really quickly.

Hwiyoung's POV

I walked into the room after Hendery, " Do you want to wash up first or me? " I asked.

" You can wash up first. " He said and I nodded before going into the bathroom. After I'm done, I came out and he was watching the television.

I looked over at him, " You can go now. " He took his things and went into the bathroom.

Suddenly, I heard the door opened. " Hey can you- " Without a doubt, I know what he wants. Since young, Hendery is always a scaredy cat when showering in hotels.

Thank god, our bathroom is split into bathing area, toilet and basin. I sat on top of the toilet, " Hen, why do you hate Yulbin so much? " I asked.

" I don't hate her. " He replied.

I raised my brows, " But you're being such a jerk to her even though you know that she likes you. " I said and he remain silent for a while.

All I could hear was the sound of the water hitting against the floor. " That's why. I know that she likes me, I don't want her to like me. " I pursed my lips.

" You do know that there's nicer way right? She might be stubborn about it initially but eventually she'll move on. " I said.

I sighed, " I mean, we grew up together. You know her as much as I do so I don't know why are you acting like that even though you know her inside out. " I said.

There was a moment of silence.

" Close your eyes. I'm coming out. " I burst into laughter when he said that. I closed my eyes as I buried my face in my hands.

I chuckled, " I don't even want to see even if it's for free. " I reminded in this position for at least five minutes.

" Are you done? " There wasn't a reply so I gradually opened my eyes to see no one.

I stood up as I walked out of the bathroom to see Hendery on his bed while he watched the television. " You guys do be living up to your title as my best friends. " I scoffed.

I took a drink out of the fridge as I threw it over to him and he caught it. " Do you remembered how the three of us build our own tent and we just camped outside my house? " I chuckled.

He nodded, " I couldn't sleep because of your loud snoring. I remembered hating you so much then, I plucked a flower from your garden and I used it to tickle your nose. " My eyes widened.

I pointed a middle finger at him while remaining an emotionless face. " But this is the most I've heard you speak. " I chuckled.

He pursed his lips, " I'm sorry. " He said.

I was taken aback, " What's with the sudden apology? " I chuckled as I sat down on my bed, tucking myself in.

" For distancing myself out of sudden. " I shook my head as I looked over at him.

" You definitely have your own reasons. We all understand that but, " I paused and he looked over at me.

" It still can't change the fact that you're such a douche though. "

21st March 2021

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