Chapter Twenty Two - WICKED

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Charity let out an annoyed humph, the green of her eyes ablaze. She knotted her shoulder-length hair behind her head before grabbing a hold of an entire platter of eggs.

And then they went flying. Flying through the air, a scramble of white and yellow, before it hit Greed, right in the face.

There was a single moment of silence as I wiped the back of my hand across my cheek. Amusement danced in Beast's eyes and almost as though he was simply there to watch, he draped his arms around the back of his chair, a wicked grin bordering his lips.

He was the devil incarnate. Like anything in the world could hit him at that moment and he wouldn't flinch, wouldn't complain.

I watched, mouth agape as Charity crawled atop the table, her movements slow and measured. Like a predator.

She grabbed hold of Greed's collar, jerking gum forward. "Game on, bitch."

The poisonous twins let out a hissing laugh—Nadine and Silsela. Despite their snake-like charm, nothing about the dart of Nadine's forked tongue was unpleasant or rude.

The Ophidians is what Beast had called them.

I could almost still taste the sweet tang of their poison, swirling in the drink that Gluttony had served us.

Silsela hadn't spoken to anybody since arriving and I quickly realised why. With every hiss that Nadine gave, her black, venom-filled tongue would flick out.

With Silsela there was nothing.

As if reading my mind, her eyes met mine. She gave a single nod of her head before that same, cold hissing sounded again. This time it was in my head, echoing and low.

Your suspicions are correct, little one. But your Beast really should teach you to keep a hold of your thoughts.

And then a round of growls and threatening snarls went about the table, each of the Virtues' eyes fixed upon the colourful ones of their mates.

Diligence's gaze landed on Sloth's. "So what if the tournament this year isn't going to take place? There are always other ways to compete."

Behind them, Charity and Greed had taken their places opposite each other, platters of food waiting in their hands.

"Indeed," Sloth said lowly, his eyes trailing down to Diligence's lips.

"Damn," I muttered to myself.

Beast chuckled next to me. "You might want to leave while you can."

"I think I want to watch, actually. I want to see just how deadly the Sins and the Virtues can get."

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