Chapter Sixteen - DEMONIC

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"She's a Vessel."

In a flash, the rest of the Sins had surrounded me. They each took their time, staring into my eyes. Wrath's wings eased into his back and I eyed the rips that they had made in the back of his shirt. He turned his back to me, his fists clenched by his side.

The dull rose of Sloth's eyes shined brighter than I'd seen them and he muttered an apology under his breath, folding his arms before his chest.

Shock littered some of their expressions—bother scrawled over the others.

Silence rested heavily upon my shoulders—I had the sudden urge to scream at the top of my lungs.

Instead, I asked calmly, "What's a Vessel?"

Gluttony took a swig from her flask. "A Vessel," she scoffed, "a stupid fucking Vessel."

And then she was gone. Wisps of orange spiralled in her absence and I sat up, unsettled.

"Vessels," Envy said, stepping forwards, "are beings that can contain Sins within them. They're a link between the Seraphic Realm, the Unholy Court and the Diabolical Order." I stood shakily to my feet as she continued, "In other words, you," she pointed a finger at me, "link the angelic world, our world and hell. And don't pay heed to Gluttony. She's a drunken bitch half the time and a sad one the other half of the time."

Wrath turned around. "It's not just Sins. Vessels are empty. You can take in people's memories, their good, their bad, their crimes—everything."

"So I'm a-"

"A Vessel." Sloth finished for me.

A dizzying rush went through my head. My ears rang and my limbs went limp.

I moved back a pace. "And what I see are," I swallowed, "memories. Your memories."

I struggled to breathe.

"You can be trained to control when you see things and when you don't." Sloth let out a guttural sound. "You can't let yourself get out of hand, Pandora. Vessels are like black holes when uncontrolled. They swallow everything."

He spoke like he'd known what I was for a long time. My sights fell upon Beast. I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of—of a Vessel. But at the same time, tears lingered behind my every blink.

Fear flooded through my veins and I looked down at my hands, imagining myself being the cause of destruction—like a black hole, I imagined myself swallow everything, leaving a dark, empty void.

A shiver rolled down my spine.

I put every atom of my being into keeping my voice stable, "And how would I train?"

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