Chapter Twelve - DEMON

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Sloth was the only one that didn't unsettle me. He moved too slowly, with too much grace and thought.

My curiousness peaked once again. "Do you sleep all day?"


And then he turned back around, resting his head against the window frame.

"The rest of us don't sleep, babe. Neither does that Beast of yours." Envy continued in a sing-song voice, "Sinful by night mortal by day."

I froze in my spot. "What do you mean?"

She opened her mouth to answer before snapping it shut. A familiar scent invaded my nose, sparks of electricity racing up my spine.

"Siblings." He acknowledged them one by one, glaring at them in turn.

All at once, the placement in the room changed, the authority radiating in Beast's very being.

I couldn't help but compare them to each other—from their eyes to their posture, everything made me dizzy.

I was in a room full of sinners and yet not a single shred of fear possessed me.

The depths of his voice sent dizzying waves through my core. "I wasn't informed of your arrival."

"We stopped a long time ago." Wrath stood up. "You were always to busy for the tournaments."

"Tournaments?" I asked, all eyes moving to me.

A wicked grin curved through Pride's face, the cast of her purple eyes brightening, "Of course. Why don't you join us?"

Beast glared at her.

I took in a deep breath. "Okay."

His fists clenched by his side as his eyes met mine, a thunderous noise reverberating through his throat.

I followed him as he left the room, the bedroom door locking behind us with a sharp click.

My words began to ramble out of me, "I didn't know that simply saying their names would make them appear out of nowhere."

I struggled to stop my mind from ticking away to the missing Sins: Gluttony and Greed hadn't shown up. They had to be called for and invited—to attend was up to them.

My breath hitched in my throat as he continued to watch me, the noise of the rest of the Sins outside bouncing against the closed door.

He ambled forward; for every step he took, I took one back until my back met the wall.

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