A knock on my door startles me from my thoughts and I clear my throat, calling out for whoever it is to come in.

The door slowly opens and Talon peers his head around it. "Hey," he says softly.

"Hi, you okay?" I ask as he adjusts the black frames on the bridge of his nose.

"I have to get something off my chest," he says and I narrow my eyes slightly with concern, wondering what could possibly be playing on his mind.

"Well, come sit down." I say as I beckon him towards the bed. "What is it?" I ask as he sits down on the edge, his posture slouched a little.

He sighs dramatically, his dark brows furrowing, "b, d, p and q are the same fucking letter and no one talks about it." He explains and I stare at him for a few seconds before glancing over at the girls who both mirror my expression.



I don't know where to look. Do I look at him? Away from him? At my hands? At the floor?

Why am I so nervous?

This isn't what it's supposed to be like. I'm supposed to feel comfortable around him, relaxed and calm. But for whatever reason.. I'm like a complete and utter nervous wreck.

"Thea, stop overthinking everything." Rio says, his voice deep and husky as he watches me closely.

How does he know me so damn well?

"I'm not." I lie as I glance down at my shaking leg. Fucking nerves.

He turns the tattoo needle off, moving it away from his skin. I have no idea what he's actually tattooing on himself but I'm sure I'll find out once it's complete.

"Thea," he presses, clearly knowing that I'm lying to him. "Talk to me." He continues and I slowly bring my head up and make eye contact with him again.

"It's fine," I reply and he blows a bust of air through his nose, attempting to stand up from the leather chair and make his way towards me but I shake my head, stopping him. "Finish the tattoo."

His lips press into a firm line and he holds my gaze for a moment longer before listening to me and returning to his tattoo. If he knows me as well as he seems, then he'll know not to push me when I say otherwise.

We've been in his parlour for about an hour now. I was hesitant about agreeing to hang out with him even though I was beaming with excitement at the same time.

I do overthink, I know I do.. but I can't help it. It's like I have to find fault in every single thing otherwise it's too perfect. Trust me, I know from plenty of past experiences that if it's too perfect, then it's definitely too good to be true.

That's what I worry about with Rio. I'm scared of things feeling completely perfect again, because when they finally did.. Ricky happened.

I guess I'm just scared.

I realise that the buzzing from the tattoo needle has stopped and I flick my eyes up to see him putting all of the equipment away. His raven hair has gotten long, thick strands now hanging loosely over his eyes as he bends down, putting things into draws and returning the needles to their rightful place.

Stay For Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें