Chapter 11

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(Todoroki's POV)

Please Midoriya, be alright.

I speed to the end of the bed, and look down at him on the floor. He was holding his right arm close to his body. Please. No. Did I burn him?!!?!!

He looked up at me with a cute smile. I still couldn't tell whether or not he was hurt.

"Wow, I really got you fired up there didn't I pretty boy," he joked, "Ah I didn't even have to take your shirt off, your fire did it for me."
He lets go of his arm, and it had slight marks but I couldn't tell if it was from me or if it was scars from past injuries.

He climbed up slowly onto the bed, trying to take the other half of my shirt off.

"No, please, let me check you, d-did I hurt you?!"

"Oh, so you want me to take my shirt off first then? Fine by me."

Was it the adrenaline, did I burn him and he can't feel it because of the adrenaline, or was he okay? I checked over his chest, no signs of any burns. I was scared to look at his right arm, but knew I had to. I picked it up gently, just incase. As I did this, he kissed my cheek gently.

"You could never hurt me Todoroki, you do realise that don't you?" he said in a comforting tone. "Even if you did, I wouldn't care, I'd love you no matter what, and I always will.

I sighed in relief and moved over to the end of the bed. How can I love someone when I can't even control my quirk around them.

"I like how you were gentle, you always are," he kissed my half exposed back.

I stand up, "I'm going to go and get some water, want anything while I'm down there?" I asked whilst still slightly trembling from the fact that I did almost burn him.

"No I'm okay, thanks" he replied still upholding his adorable smile.

When I come back upstairs, I see his face. I had scolded it. How did I not realise before?! I was so worried about his arm, I didn't even realise that it would've been his face to get hurt. NO NO NO. Shoto you're such an idiot. He's hurt. You hurt him! NO.

I began to tear up, "Izuku, I'm so sorry," please are you okay!? I-I never meant to please, forgive me.

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