Chapter 7

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(Midoriya's POV)

I knew I had to do something when I saw Todoroki being pelted with the constant sonic waves protruding from Jiro's boots. As she was turned the other way, I was able to put the handcuffs on her teammate. I then called a 10% full cowling and kicked her in the stomach, accidentally being too rough and knocking her completely to the floor. I broke both legs whilst doing so.

Her ear-jacks rapidly swung back up to her ears and I cuffed her almost instantly. I ran over to Todoroki as fast as I could. He looked at me with love in his eyes. I helped him stand up carefully, with a smile on my face, but as I did so, I collapsed.

I woke up later in Recovery Girl's office. Apparently the pain in my ears and legs had become too much and I passed out. I looked over to my right and saw Todoroki holding my hand with both of his. Apparently he had been there for a while because he was asleep.

"You've been here for a few days and have only been drifting in and out of consciousness. He's been here the entire time." Said recovery Girl with a surprised, yet serious tone.

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I could look at him forever. Lately, I've realised that it hurt to think about Todoroki being with someone else. It hurt to think about him with anyone other than me. I know this sounded selfish but I couldn't help it.... I knew I was going to have to admit my feelings at some point, but I just had to figure out the right time.

Todoroki had began to shuffle a little, slowly waking up and revealing the bags under his eyes. I felt guilty that he was here and guilty that I couldn't protect him. I wanted to be his knight in shining armour. I wanted to make him feel safe.

Todoroki sat up, his hair falling in front of his face. My heart skipped a beat, he was so cute!

As he began to realise what was happening, he pulled his hands away and began to rub his neck. "Sorry about that"

I sat up and turned to look at him, "No it's ok, I'm glad you're here. I pulled his right hand towards me again for the warmth. "I-I erm I have something to tell you, Todoroki," we were alone so I felt this was a better time than any. When I was about to start my confession, however, Recovery girl walked in and interrupted.

"Come on, out of here so I can do my final check-up," she ordered.

Todoroki got up and slowly walked out, giving me a comforting smile before he walked out the door. His smile warmed my heart and it was the only thing I could think about whilst Recovery Girl was completing the final examination. "You can leave today, you should be fine, just don't get yourself hurt again anytime soon or I wont help you" she tapped me on the hair with a piece of rolled up paper.

As I walked out the room, Todoroki was there, still waiting for me with a small smile on his face, highlighting his twinkling eyes. He accompanied me to lunch and watched over me the entire day, maybe to make sure I didn't do anything stupid or something that could get me hurt. He was taking care of me.

(Todoroki's POV)

He had finally woken up and I was given the task of taking care of him so he didn't do anything stupid or anything that could get him hurt. I got to spend the entire day with him and I couldn't ask for anything better.

We Fell In Love (A Tododeku Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ