Chapter 4

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(Midoriya's POV)

I eventually got home after the slow walk with Todoroki. The walk was nice and relaxing. It had a sense of serenity to it. I walked through my front door, took my shoes off and hung up my coat. I shouted through to my mom, asking if she was okay. We sat down and started to eat dinner as we spoke about how our days went. Time went quite quickly and finally it was time to go upstairs and finish my schoolwork.

It was morning again. I was awoken by a beeping coming from my phone. It was 6:30AM. I got up and headed towards the bathroom so I could have a shower. A tingle of excitement shot up my spine when I remembered that I was going to be able to see Todoroki today. I guessed it was because we were becoming friends and that I was going to be able to get to know him better.

As I began to shampoo my hair, I thought to myself, I had never got that feeling about going to school before. Or even when thinking about seeing anyone. Only him. Was I catching feelings?! No that's absurd, he's just a friend, and besides, he's straight, and I'm pretty sure he has feelings for Momo. None of that matters, I don't have feelings for him anyway so who cares who he likes and doesn't like. Let's just focus on getting to school.

As I'm walking, I see Todoroki again. He's not walking though? He's just stood in the same place we split yesterday. Is he waiting for me?

(Todoroki's POV)

I woke up around half-an-hour before my alarm was supposed to go off. There was no point in going back to sleep, so I got up early. I had breakfast, showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I sat around for a little while, not knowing what to do. All I knew was that I was excited to go to school today. I had a little enthusiasm for once. Maybe it was because of that boy, Midoriya. My chest tightened thinking about the walk we shared yesterday, although we didn't speak much, it was nice.

I got up and decided to leave early so I could meet him when he was on his way to school. It only took me around five minutes to get to the place we split yesterday. To my surprise, I wasn't waiting long, probably around ten minutes.

I heard footsteps slowly creeping towards me. As I look up, I made eye contact with Midoriya. "Oh hi!" I spluttered out acting as if it my being there wasn't intentional.

He smiled, his eyes lighting up. I felt my cheeks go red. Was I catching feelings for Midoriya? No, that's absurd. He likes Ururaka, you can see how flustered he gets when he is around her. He slowly trudges up to my side and asks why I was there.

"I was just on my way to school and stopped to tie my shoe lace," I lied.

"Oh okay. W-would you like to walk together?" he asked, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

My heart fluttered. I could feel my chest tighten again. Stop it Shoto, stop it. You don't have time to get into any friendships, nevermind relationships. Despite this, I happily began to walk with him. Him being next to me again made me happy. Happier than I had been in a while.

"So why were you really here?" He jokingly asked.

I panicked. "W-what do you mean?"

"At UA High. Are you there because of your dad or are you there for yourself, to become a hero?"  He said as he pointed towards the school.

Phew. "I actually came for myself, I've looked up to All Might ever since I was a child."

We got to school faster than I usually would. Maybe because I left earlier than usual, or maybe because time somehow flies when I'm with Midoriya? Either way, we were there before Iida, showing how early we were.

We sat down in silence for a while before he turned around.

"So! What's your favourite thing about All Might?!" He spoke with excitement as if he actually cared, as if he were keeping the question in, but eventually gave up to his temptation.

"It's the way he can save everyone with a smile on his face, even when everything seems rough, he saves everyone with a smile." Midoriya seemed to light up at this answer.

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