C018: Shady Promotion

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Zhou Wen sang in the original track, of course he also had original compositions, and those who dared to choose the original track were obviously confident in themselves.

Unfortunately, he met Shi Fei, who was once called the strongest vocalist in their Beauty track by He Lulu, and his voice was always so steady.

This time he sang a rock song "Black Fire", with a deep voice, cold rhythm and explosive music that made the whole audience scream.

Jiang Yu, as a star promoter, couldn't resist standing up and swinging, so he held up a light stick.

The PK was won by Shi Fei without any surprises, and he walked to the nine major seats according to the host Lu Peng's request, and he chose the first one in the third row.

When He Xiaobei saw Shi Fei had passed the test smoothly, and his tensed heart loosened a little. Brother Fei also passed the test smoothly. He must cheer himself up and not fall behind.

Sitting down, Shi Fei was confident in He Xiaobei. The rest of the contestants were similar in strength to He Xiaobei, only one of them, Xu Ruhao of the Magic Music track, was a bit inferior to He Xiaobei, including Zhuang Xinran.

Of course, Chen Boyang, who was in the original track, was careful. He wasn't that good at singing, but his opponent's original ability was good. If he could produce an original work with very good lyrics to add points, he may be surpassed.

By Jiang Yu's draw, he drew two balls, one was Zhuang Xinran, the other was He Xiaobei.

He Lulu pretended to glare at Jiang Yu and said, "Mr. Jiang Yu, you're not going to get back at me like this for refusing the marriage by making our track kill each other."

Jiang Yu: "It's purely God's plan, I'm not taking the blame."

The two went up on stage, Lu Peng also took the opportunity to ridicule: "Both of you are contestants in the beauty track, but now you have to stand on stage for PK[player kill], how about a couple of words to describe your opponent? Xinran you speak first."

Zhuang Xinran looked towards the stage, his eyes looked at Shi Fei and quickly moved away, finally landing sideways on He Xiaobei and said, "He Xiaobei is a very talented player and an opponent I don't want to meet, his performance in the previous matches has amazed me. But since I've met him, I'll do my best."
  Zhuang Xinran's emotional quotient was high and his speech was smooth, compared to He Xiaobei, who was slightly more reserved, gripped the microphone with both hands and said earnestly with gritted teeth, "I'll work hard and won't lose to you."

And then it was gone.

Lu Peng: "Okay, Xiao Bei is a man who is not good with words, so let's use music to talk, come on, Music."

The first to sing was He Xiaobei, compared to the last Darkness series "Storybrooke", this time he switched to a sad and inspirational song "Redemption".

He Xiaobei was a weak character in ordinary times, but once on stage, it was as if he was a new person, with a naturally wide range, he could sing high notes as well as low notes, and with his unique voice, the song "Redemption" was a 100% reproduction.

He sang this song very well, even better than he had sung the previous song "Storybrooke".

After He Xiaobei finished singing, it was Zhuang Xinran's turn. Having suffered the loss of repeating his style last time, this time he had long remembered and didn't choose a love song again, instead choosing a high pitched "My Heaven".

Zhuang Xinran's voice was innately small, which had a narrow range and was not suitable for choral high notes, although it could be improved after later development and training, but at least from the previous performances, Zhuang Xinran had not reached this height.

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