3 - made sense

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"Y-you've got it bad, bro!" Kirishima says as they got in to Katsuki's room. "Can't you think of anyone, anyone your heart might be pining for?"

Katsuki groans in frustration, nearly pulling out his hair as he tries to figure out who it is.

"What the fuck! How is that even possible? For whom would I have harbored romantic feelings?"

He coughed afterwards, choking on the last few petals that had finally decided to take their bloody leave.

"I can't look at you like that any longer." Kirishima expresses himself.

He made Katsuki sit down and reflect on his feelings. He claims it's a common occurrence among people, but Katsuki believes it's bullshit. He wouldn't have tried it if he hadn't been so desperate.

"Okay let's get serious. Is it someone in our class?" He asks. "Is it Yaoyorozu?"



"THE F-"



Kirishima mentioned all of their classmates' names, including his own, but none of them are the type of person Katsuki actually likes.

"This is definitely bullshit. How could i know when i don't even know it myself!"

"Wait i'm not done yet! There's still one person." 

Katsuki stares at him.


Katsuki opens his mouth to respond, but a sharp cough rips through his body. Kirishima jumps, slapping his back in an attempt to force the petals out faster.

"Shit dude. It really is Midoriya!"

Tiny explosions pop in Katsuki's palms. "SHUT THE FUC-"

"Oh god," He heard Kirishima gasped.

Katsuki looks at the floor; there are more petals this time. From various flowers. At first, it was only cherry blossom. There are now daisy, lily, peony, hydrangea, and dahlia petals.

Regardless of how lovely it appears, Katsuki scoops up all the petals and tosses them into his trash bin.

This feels far too personal and bizarre to not be a joke.

He couldn't bear the thought of having a disease because it's fucking embarrassing. Getting love sick? What the fuck? He had no idea who he was supposed to be in love with, and it turns out it was,


And it pisses him off that it actually made total sense.

Katsuki would never, ever, certainly not in a million fucking years admit that he enjoys seeing the nerd smile and hear his laugh.

"Okay, now that we know already know, try to talk to him-"

"And confess? There's no way in hell I'm doing that shit."

"Bakugou that's not manly, man, c'mon!! This is the only way!"

"And get an embarrassing rejection?" Katsuki scoffs, "I fucking refuse."

"If you don't get an answer, the disease will worsen, and you'll eventually suffocate to death from flowers coming up your throat!"

"But isn't this stupid ass disease about unrequited love? You idiot, he doesn't feel the same way. I wouldn't be sick if he did." He claims, Kirishima remained silent.

"This is annoyingly pathetic. It is the same as dying to confess."


Time passed, and his disease worsened. Katsuki was becoming sicker. It grew from petals into flowers with stems. That's a bad thing, a really bad thing. Not if he wants to achieve his dream.

He didn't get much sleep, and he'd learned that thinking about Izuku or being near him made the coughing up flowers worse. He was desperate to see Izuku. But confessing was just impossible to Katsuki.

That damn nerd would straight up reject me if i did. He thought. He has been quite conscious of how terrible he has been to Izuku. He simply lacks the words to communicate what he wants to.

As a result, he chose to avoid Izuku as much as possible. He'd told Kirishima of his decision; of course, his friend was concerned and tried to persuade him otherwise....

Katsuki observes the boy from afar, noting his own dislike of people. It isn't until he walks into the bathroom late one night and hears Izuku painfully whimpering.

He stumbles out of the bathroom and back to his room, hoping he didn't make Izuku aware of his presence.

"I swear to you, bro. You've only gotten worse. All of the teachers are concerned and have approached you. How long do you intend to keep this up? It's been a whole month!" Kirishima exclaimed.

Katsuki was aware, and he's disgusted with it. His condition had worsened, and he had never felt worse in his life.

Graduation is next week, and he's not sure how he feels about it. How could he take on the world and become fully licensed if he's like THIS?

Fuck it. There was no denying it. He was literally dying as a result of this. He could feel the flowers growing inside his lungs more and more now that he was paying attention to his feelings.

That's it, when he was finally persuaded by his friend, "You wouldn't know unless you tried.", "It's better to take risk than to regret."

So he finally made a decision to end his suffering and confess to the nerd on their graduation day.

>Graduation Day<

There were far more people at the graduation than Katsuki had anticipated, and he was still wearing a damn mask for fuck's sake. The outside was decorated, and the auditorium, where the graduation was held, was adorned with streamers and balloons. Everyone appeared to be in a good mood and full of energy.

Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, and Todoroki Shouto was awarded as UA's Big Three. Katsuki almost didn't make it on stage because he couldn't stop coughing when Izuku smiled at him mistakenly.

After the graduation ceremony, the graduates, class 3-A, and their families gathered in the UA's front courtyard for photos and to say their thank yous and goodbyes to one another.

Of course, there would be an after-party the night after Class 3-A graduated! Things are about to get out of hand after Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero sneak alcohol into the residence.

Katsuki was hesitant to come because he knew he wouldn't enjoy it anyway because of the goddamn disease that had infected his body. But because of Kirishima, he was persuaded again by his "Now is the time to be manly!";  and it was the perfect time to confess his feelings to Izuku.

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