Stealing Glances -green eyes (1)

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Stealing glances is an other being and Alucard of Hellsing at a Hellsing party.  The hint is smoke curls out her human nostril and is attempting to steal an old book.

The language is created by me, the author.


Alucard lets a long sigh out, which is humorous since vampires don't require breath being undead and such. The tall dark haired vampire, the Vampire King, is bored and wondering why he is out at this joke of an 'ass kissing' party. Another sigh escapes his lips and a twitch of his mouth to reveal his fangs.

"Alucard stop acting like a child..." Sir Integra states with irritation.

The vampire shifts his body to lean against the wall and replies, " Ass kissing parties have gotten worse than in my time. In fact they get worse with more time at Hellsing, you know."

"No I would not Alucard, since I am not 583 years old," Sir Hellsing retorts. "Find something to do."

"Of course Master..."

Sir Integra clears her throat, "No torturing or eating my guests Alucard."

"I wouldn't dream of it, my Master," Shadow King says with a low, rumbling laugh.

Integra knows all of Alucard's laughs and that is the worst one. She prefers his maniacal laugh to that rumbling one. That one means he is looking for someone to sexually tease in which he is even more relentless. This laugh has not been heard in quite some time, too. The young woman in charge of Hellsing, is unsure who he might target, as there are no new faces that she is aware of.

Alucard is wearing his black double breasted suit with stylized eye tie. His vampiric eyes scan the large room for a target, mouse have you, to toy with. An attractive woman in her early forties is laughing with Sir Penwood. Surely stuffy and dimwitted Penwood, is not that funny?

Shadow King makes his way towards the dark haired woman with his long, arrogant stride. He licks his lips in anticipation.

The woman is wearing a long layered dress that has what looks like leaves or perhaps scales? Her midnight black hair is up except for a few curled strands that frame her face. She rests her champagne glass on her rose colored, glistening lips before taking the last swallow. Her vivid green eyes flick for a second in Alucard's direction then back to the conversation at hand.

"S-sir Arthur, may I as-k for that dance now?"

A tall British man, with greying blonde hair in military attire, replies, "But of course Princess Ksenia. Shall we tango?"

Ksenia smiles, "I love to tango! By all means-s..."

Alucard rolls up as the princess heads to an empty dance floor. Sir Arthur motions for the band to start up and the band notes the body positions for a tango. The music begins and the two step in time with stiff then fluid body gestures. The vampire has only seen the dance a few times as Hellsing had kept him in the basement when the dance was more popular.

A devilish smirk crosses his lips, Ksenia is shorter than he thought. The princess is only about 5 feet tall on 5 inch heels. Human women can be so obsessed with height including their men being tall. He has claimed many women, due to his 6'4' (or 6'6" for you hellsing cannon people) height. (True height of Vlad Drǎculea was 5'6' and his hair was most likely brown with green eyes. 5'6" is the average height of men in the United States in this day and age.)

"Penwood who is the ravishing woman?" Alucard asks with a toothy grin.

"Oh I say, good evening Alucard. Sir Hellsing let you out of the basement did she?" Penwood blurts out.

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